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东欧人民民主国家在全力发展重工业、建设社会主义基础的同时,也同样注意发展轻工业,增多消费品的供应,从而保证劳动人民生活水准的不断提高。东欧人民民主国家在第二次世界大战以前,也是有着一些轻工业的,但是这些工业根本不是为本国人民服务。它们的产品是输往外国去的,它们所以存在并且畸形发展,全是因为东欧各国资产阶级残酷地剥削着东欧特别廉价的劳动力,因之使得这些工业的产品成本低廉,容易在世界市场上和外国产品竞争,使资产阶级的荷包里每年滚进大量利润。如保加利亚在第一次和第二次世界大战中间的年代中,乳酪工厂从八个发展到五百十四个,这些工厂的生产力不仅超过保加利亚的需要,而且越过全巴尔干半岛各国的需要。捷克斯洛伐克的皮革工业和纺织工业情况也是如此。但是保加利亚人民还是没有乳酪吃,捷克斯洛伐克人还是衣衫褴褛。上述情形清楚地说明了战前东欧各国轻工业的 While fully developing heavy industry and building a socialist foundation, the people’s democracies in Eastern Europe are also paying equal attention to developing light industry and increasing the supply of consumer goods so as to ensure a continuous improvement in the living standards of working people. Before the Second World War, the people’s democracies in Eastern Europe also had some light industries, but these industries did not serve their own people at all. Their products are exported to foreign countries, and their existence and deformity are all due to the brutal exploitation of the particularly cheap labor force in Eastern Europe by the bourgeois countries in Eastern Europe, which makes their products cheaper and easier to find in world markets Competition for foreign products has caused bourgeois jackets to make large profits each year. Bulgaria, for example, grew from eight to five hundred and fourteen cheese factories in the midst of the First and Second World War. The productivity of these factories exceeded the needs of Bulgaria and beyond the needs of all Balkan countries. The same is true for the leather and textile industries in Czechoslovakia. But the Bulgarians still eat without cheese, and Czechoslovakians are still ragged. The above situation clearly illustrates the pre-war Eastern European light industry
今年是老一辈革命战士、著名教育家、宁夏大学创始人刘继曾同志逝世29周年。缅怀敬爱的老校长禁不住要追忆一些尘封已久的往事。 This year marks the 29th anniversary of
封面故事:非看不可的《黑鹰降落》 《黑鹰降落》可谓生逢其时,对于美国人民来说,这部电影有助于“911事件后”振奋民心,鼓舞士气,对于酷爱战争题材的男性观众来说,这部描写
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九江医改的示范城市瑞昌市社会保险局朱毕峰局长,最近同我们谈了瑞昌市实施企业医改的以下情况: 一、新机制的优点。 瑞昌市共有141家企业,2.4万名职工参加了医疗保险,单位
姚明,1中_艾弗森__土__又____一主___揉_____塑选____上___旦}178_ 卡特一4{152一詹雨薪一!一了一澡一而而一 玄1J玉栋1 6 106 奥尼爪17一89 刀口内特{8{75___理竺竺二三竺‘
袖珍椰子原产美洲中部地区,属棕榈科竹棕属(Chamaedorea elegans),为小型木本观叶植物,茎干细,植株娇小可爱,最高不超过2米,羽状小叶,两端均尖,革质有光泽,周年翠绿,耐阴性
我现在基本上每年买一辆车,一年365天都在努力工作从来没有休息,我没有什么额外的爱好,因此选择车作为对自己的奖赏,我正考虑今年选择哪款车型作为自己的生日礼物。 一提起
诚实加苦干使白茹芳能够白手起家,最终成为一名成功的珍珠店老板。 Honesty and hard work make Bai Rufang can scratch, eventually becoming a successful pearl shop ow