
来源 :海洋渔业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:happig101
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根据2009年3~6月和2012年3~5月在东南太平洋智利竹鱼(Trachurus murphyi)渔场(39°42’S~46°42’S;79°30’W~97°30’W)的渔获种类组成和数量分布调查数据,分析了其种类组成的月份和昼夜差异及其物种多样性。结果表明:调查期间共发现鱼类13科20种和未定种鱼类1种,其中鲭科4种、乌鲂科3种、头足类3种,均隶属于柔鱼科。从数量分布来看,2009和2012年均是以智利竹鱼比例最高,分别为92.55%和92.38%;其次为日本鲭(Scomber japonicus),分别为4.99%和0.15%;在头足类中,茎柔鱼(Dosidicus gigas)数量比例最高,分别为1.17%和1.12%。从出现频次来看,智利竹鱼、日本鲭、日本乌鲂(Brama japonica)、茎柔鱼出现频次较高,其它种类出现频次很低;约88%的种类幼鱼比例低于10%。2012年白天渔获种类有13种,低于夜间的17种;智利竹鱼白天的数量比例比夜晚要高约11%,日本乌鲂、灯笼鱼科、茎柔鱼等种类则是夜间的数量比例和出现频次高于白天。2009年智利竹鱼渔场拖网渔获物的物种丰富度指数(D)为2.2~3.7,2012年为2.1~3.0;Pielous种类均匀度指数(J)在3~6月均很低,Shannon-weaver指数(H’)在2009和2012年各个月份均低于0.8,反映了该渔业渔获物群落多样性较低。综合来说,东南太平洋智利竹鱼渔场渔获的种类数相对较低、群落结构较为单一,该作业对当地海域幼鱼资源的影响很低。 According to the catch species of the Trachurus murphyi fishery (39 ° 42’S to 46 ° 42’S; 79 ° 30’W to 97 ° 30’W) in March-June 2009 and March-May 2012 in the southeast Pacific Ocean, Composition and distribution of the number of survey data, analysis of the species composition of the month and day differences and their species diversity. The results showed that during the survey, a total of 20 species of fish were found in 13 families and one species of undefined species, including 4 species of Scomberidae, 3 species of Osmoptera and 3 species of cephalopods, all of which belong to Ommastoda. In terms of population distribution, the highest proportion of bamboo and fish species in Chile was between 2009 and 2012 (92.55% and 92.38%, respectively), followed by Scomber japonicus (4.99% and 0.15%, respectively) Dosidicus gigas the highest proportion of the number of 1.17% and 1.12%. Occurrence frequency, Chilean bamboo fish, Japanese mackerel, JapanAssocius (Brama japonica), Soleus appear more frequently, other species appear very low frequency; about 88% of the species juveniles less than 10%. In 2012, 13 species were caught during the day and 17 species were lower than at night. The proportion of Chilean bamboo fish during the day was about 11% higher than that at night. The species of Japanese blackbird, lantern fish and stem squid were nighttime Proportions and frequency of occurrence is higher than during the day. In 2009, the species richness index (D) of trawl catches from bamboo fishery in Chile ranged from 2.2 to 3.7, and from 2.1 to 3.0 in 2012. The evenness index (J) of Pielous species was very low from March to June. Shannon-weaver The index (H ’) was below 0.8 in all months of 2009 and 2012, reflecting the low diversity of the fisheries catch community. Taken together, the number of species caught in the Chilean bamboo fish fishery in the South East Pacific is relatively low, and the community structure is relatively monotonous. The impact of this operation on juvenile fish resources in the local waters is very low.