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唐代诗人杜牧曾作《赤壁》一诗:“折戟沉沙铁未销,自将磨洗认前朝。东风不与周郎便,铜雀春深锁二乔。”其中的“二乔”指孙策、周瑜的妻子,史称大乔、小乔。《三国演义》中的二乔故事,是作者根据杜诗虚构而成。孔明为了促成孙刘联合,对周瑜谎说曹操曾发誓要夺得江东“二乔”,置于铜雀台,以乐晚年。为让周确信。孔明还背诵了曹植的《铜雀台赋》,其中有两句为:“揽二乔于东南兮,乐朝夕之与共。”这件事被称为“孔明智激周瑜”。《三国演义》中,在《宴长江曹操赋诗》一回里,作者又让曹操亲口说出想得到“二乔”,以此与孔明之言相呼应。 但一查史籍就会明白,孔明、曹操之言全是作者虚构出来的。历史上,曹操建铜雀台是在建安十五年,是赤壁之战后的第三年。而曹植的《铜雀台赋》写成于该台建成后的两年。可见,铜雀台与赤壁之战根本无关。孔明所念的两句诗也是赋中所没有的。 Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty, once wrote a poem entitled “Red Cliff”: “After dismantled sand and iron, it was not sold, and it was used to recuperate before the DPRK. Dongfeng was not with Zhou Lang, and the copper tit was secretly locked in second.” “Refers to Sun Ce and Zhou Yu’s wife, known as Da Qiao and Xiao Qiao. The story of Erqiao in The Romance of the Three Kingdoms is based on the fiction of Du Fu. In order to promote Sun Liu’s union, Kong Ming told Zhou Yu that Cao Cao once vowed to win Jiangdong’s “second Joe” and place it on the copper bird platform to enjoy his later years. To convince Zhou. Kong Ming also recited Cao Zhi’s ”Banque Tai Fu“. There are two sentences for him: ”Languqiao is in the southeast corner, and it is happy to be together.“ This event was called ”Kong Zhou Ji Zhou“. In ”The Romance of the Three Kingdoms“, in the ”Feast of the Yangtze River Cao Cao’s Poems“, the author also asked Cao Cao to personally say that he wanted to get ”Two Joes“ to echo the words of Kong Ming. However, if one examines the history, it will be clear that the words of Kong Ming and Cao Cao are all imaginary. Historically, Cao Cao’s construction of Tongquetai was in Jian’an for fifteen years. It was the third year after the Battle of Chibi. And Cao Zhi’s ”Banquet Taiwan Fu" was written two years after the completion of the station. It can be seen that the Battle of Tongquetai and Chibi has nothing to do with it. The two lines of poetry that Confucius read are also not in Fu.