
来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ktaxx01
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  Young people in Great Britain are watching less and less news on television. This comes as no surprise as young people become increasingly addicted to their smartphones. Youth are opting for online distractions like YouTube videos, social media and games rather than switch on a TV and watch a news programme. Britain’s Guardian newspaper reported, “The youth of the nation are more likely to get their day’s news about the world from social media or by reading graffiti in bus stations than seeing it on the television, with the average 16-24-year-old watching just two minutes’ worth of live TV news per day.”
  The research suggests that young people are increasingly using social media as their primary news source. There is evidence that UK adults are consuming news more actively via social media. It suggests presenting news stories in a less complicated, more accessible way to attract young people’s attention. Some people suggested this would be “dumbing down content for young audiences”.
  英國看电视新闻的年轻人越来越少。随着年轻人越来越沉迷于智能手机,这并不奇怪。年轻人选择了YouTube视频、社交媒体和游戏等网络娱乐,而不是打开电视看新闻节目。英国《卫报》报道说:“比起看电视,英国的年轻人更容易从社交媒体或是公交车站的涂鸦上看到世界新闻, 16至24岁的年轻人平均每天只看两分钟的电视直播新闻。”
  1. Where do you get your news from? How much news should we watch each day? 你从哪里得到新闻消息?我们每天应该看多少新闻?
  2. Which is better for news, the radio or newspapers? Is social media changing the way we consume news? 通过哪种方式获取新闻更好,广播还是报纸?社交媒体是否改变了我们的新闻阅读方式?
  1. 英文60~150词左右;
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  4. 电子稿件请发至邮箱:785704986@qq.com,邮件名请注明“九年级寒窗心语”。
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