Our First 5K我们的 第一次五千米赛跑

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunchaojacksun
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  Unity is strength...When there is teamwork and collaboration1,
  wonderful things can be achieved.
  —Mattie Stepanek
  I warned my husband that something crazy was about to come out of my mouth. “I think we need to run a 5K.”
  I was not a runner. I was a stay-at-home mom. With my husband in graduate school, and a toddler2 and a baby in the house, exercise hadn’t been a priority3. Running was just about the last thing I ever thought I would do for fun.
  But it was an idea I hadn’t been able to shake for a couple of days. A friend had posted something on Facebook about a program that would take people from no exercise to running a 5K in nine weeks, and I was interested in it.
  My husband, who had been to an army boot camp and served eight years in the reserves, was all in from the start. He started researching running gear4, jogging strollers5 and a 5K we could register for a few months later. Me? Even though it was technically my idea, I was hesitant. In high school, one of the physical-education requirements was to run a mile-and-a-half every year. I always came in near last. I remembered how slow I was. I would sweat and feel like I was going to faint6 as my face turned deep shades of red. I had to walk part of the way. I was really in no shape to be running.
  Sometimes, I joked that the only time I would ever run after high school was if I needed to save my life. In a sense, I did. Our marriage was only three years old at this point and had been dealt a serious blow. While we both tried to keep our marriage together, it was going to take work. We needed a lot of help to repair our relationship, and for some reason I thought running would be part of the solution.
  I was desperate7 enough to think that training for a 5K would be good for our marriage. For one, we’d have to spend time together several days a week. We had registered for a 5K that was exactly nine weeks from when we started the training program, so we had to keep to a strict schedule. Happy time as a couple was something we lacked, what with two small kids and no family within 800 miles. During our training, we had a few offers from friends to watch the kids, but buying a jogging stroller was our guarantee8 that we wouldn’t miss a workout.   我出于無奈,认为训练五千米跑对我们的婚姻有好处。首先,我们一周有几天的时间必须在一起。我们报名参加的五千米赛跑,正好在我们开始训练计划的九周后,所以我们必须严格遵守时间表。作为一对夫妇,我们缺少开心的时光,因为我们有两个小孩,在八百英里(约1300千米)内没有家人。在我们训练的过程中,我们收到了一些朋友要来帮忙照看孩子的提议,但是买一辆慢跑婴儿推车是我们不会错过锻炼机会的保证。
  Second, I needed to accomplish something difficult—to push myself beyond what was easy and comfortable. I wasn’t sure if I could run a 5K or save my marriage, but I knew I couldn’t do either if I didn’t try. I hoped that training for my first-ever 5K would help me develop the kind of discipline9 and perseverance10 I would need to face difficulties of all kinds.
  Third, I wanted the physical act of striving toward a common goal to inspire us to do the same for our relationship. I wasn’t sure which would be harder.
  Nothing dramatic happened in those nine weeks. I didn’t lose a bunch of weight. Our marriage didn’t improve better automatically11. But, week by week, we stuck to the plan and gave it our best effort.
  The morning of the race, I was up with the kids before dawn, as usual. Their grandparents came to town to watch them (and us) during the run. It was a cold November morning and I questioned our sanity12. This idea had always been crazy to me, but now that the reality of it had arrived. I was even more sure that this unconventional13 plan was not something normal people did.
  My body hummed with adrenaline14 and nervousness as we gathered with hundreds of runners at the start line. And then we were off—putting our training to the test on the actual race route. It was an emotional 36 minutes. The first mile passed quickly. The second mile dragged. We saw our kids a couple of times on the route, and I blinked back the tears. As we neared the end, people we’d never met—fellow runners—shouted encouragement.
  When the finish line came into view, my husband, who was slightly ahead of me, reached back toward me to take my hand. I couldn’t hold back the tears any longer. That one gesture symbolized so much of what we had been through in the past months. After all that had happened, he was still reaching for me. We were still in it together.   当终点线映入眼帘时,跑在我前面一点的丈夫,转头向我伸出手来握住了我的手。我再也忍不住眼泪了。那个手势象征着我们过去几个月所经历的一切。在这一切发生之后,他仍会朝我伸出手,我们还在一起。
  We finished the race holding hands and sobbing15. Running a 5K hadn’t made our marriage perfect, but it had changed something in us, something I hoped would last.
  That was eight years ago. We’re still married. We’ve run a few 5Ks since then, and we’ve had more than a few difficulties in that time. But the lessons from that 5K remain. We make time for each other. We push ourselves to do and say what is difficult because we know it will be good for us. And we keep our goals in front of us, working together as a team.
  I can’t say I love running yet, but I love how running makes me feel. Strong. Confident. Accomplished. All because I took a chance on a crazy-for-me idea.
  1. collaboration [
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