
来源 :中国农村卫生事业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dimitrilyyl
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目的:了解金华市初中学生因病缺课情况,为降低学生因病缺课率提出有效防控措施提供依据。方法:选取2012—2013学年金华市区3所初中5 208名学生,利用国家疾病监测传染病报告信息系统、金华市哨点监测学校因病缺课监测数据、学校晨检记录和学校医务室及班主任学生因病缺课记录等资料进行分析。结果:2012-2013学年5 208名学生中,缺课人次数为418,因病缺课总人天数为883。因病缺课率为8.03%,人均缺课天数为0.17天。学生因病缺课原因以感冒和胃肠道疾病为主,时间以冬春季为主。初一年级、初二年级和初三年级因病缺课率分别为9.24%、8.23%和6.59%,不同年级的因病缺课率差异有统计学意义(χ2=0.8346,P<0.05)。结论:应落实学校晨检、因病缺课溯源、传染病隔离和密切接触者筛查制度,积极开展学生常见病和传染病防治知识宣传,降低学生因病缺课率,保障在校学生的身体健康。 Objective: To understand the junior middle school students in Jinhua City due to illness and absenteeism, in order to reduce the number of students missed due to illness to provide effective prevention and control measures to provide the basis. Methods: A total of 5 208 students from 3 junior high schools in Jinhua City in the 2012-2013 school year were enrolled in this study. Using the information system of national disease surveillance infectious disease reporting, monitoring data of missed sentinel surveillance schools in sentinel surveillance schools in Jinhua City, Class teacher students due to illness absence records and other data analysis. Results: Of the 5 208 students in the academic year 2012-2013, the number of absentees was 418, and the total number of days of absence due to illness was 883. The rate of absence due to illness was 8.03%, and the number of missed classes per capita was 0.17 days. Students due to illness and lack of classes to cold and gastrointestinal diseases, mainly in winter and spring time. The absenteeism rates of first grade, second grade and third grade were 9.24%, 8.23% and 6.59%, respectively. The absenteeism rate among different grades was statistically significant (χ2 = 0.8346, P <0.05). Conclusions: The morning check-up of schools, the traceability of missing students due to illness, the isolation of infectious diseases and the screening system of close contact should be carried out, and publicity of common diseases and prevention and treatment of infectious diseases should be actively carried out so as to reduce the absenteeism rate of students and protect the students in school Healthy body.
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