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标准传递探测器在红外波段的绝对光谱响应度定标不确定度较大且难以降低,其主要影响因子是窗口透过率的测量不确定度,该项因子是由布儒斯特窗口的状态复现引入。给出了陷阱型标准传递探测器在1 064 nm波段溯源于低温绝对辐射计的定标实验过程和结果。介绍了低温辐射计新型Y型定标光路,该光路消除了低温辐射计窗口反射损耗引入的不确定性。实验测试了探测器在1 064 nm波段的线性、空间响应均匀性、稳定性和空间偏振非敏感性。结果表明:传递探测器绝对光谱响应度定标的不确定度优于0.023%,响应度重复性的实验结果表明了Y型低温辐射计定标光路改造的可行性。 The standard transmission detector in the infrared band absolute spectral responsivity calibration uncertainty is large and difficult to reduce the main impact factor is the measurement of the window transmittance uncertainty, the factor is the state complex of the Brewster window Now introduced. The experimental results and calibration results of a trap-type standard transfer detector traceable to a low-temperature absolute radiometer in the band of 1064 nm are presented. Introduced a new low-temperature radiometer Y-scale optical path, the optical path to eliminate the low-temperature radiometer window reflection loss of the uncertainty introduced. The linearity, spatial response uniformity, stability and spatial polarization non-sensitivity of the detector in the 1064 nm band were experimentally tested. The results show that the uncertainty of calibration of the absolute detector spectral response is better than 0.023%. The experimental results of repeatability of responsivity show the feasibility of the reconstruction of the standard optical path of Y - type pyrometer.
20 0 2年 1 0月 1 8日 ,南非国际问题研究所董事会副主席、南非现任总统塔博·姆贝基的胞弟莫莱齐·姆贝基 (MoeletsiMbeki)先生在中国社会科学院西亚非洲研究所发表了题为“
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目的 研究解毒酶GSTs基因多态性与鼻咽癌的遗传易感性。方法 应用PCR技术 ,对 80例鼻咽癌和 72例正常人进行对照研究其谷胱苷肽硫转移酶GSTT1基因缺失与鼻咽癌高发的关系。
由胡亚民等编撰、张猛主审的《摆动辗压工艺及模具设计》一书已于 2 0 0 1年 12月在重庆大学出版社正式出版。该书介绍了近 2 0年发展起来的新型摆动辗压成形加工技术。该技