A Journey for Freedom——On a Negro Slave's Pursuit for Freedom

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Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America,and he is also generally considered one of America’s first and foremost realist and humorists. Among his works,the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,which proves itself to be the milestone in American literature,has been considered the greatest one. Hemingway once described the novel “the one book from which all modern American Literature comes”⑴ The book is significant in many ways. The great strength of the book comes from the shape given by the course of the raft’s journey down the Mississippi River as Huck and Jim,a Negro slave seek their different kinds of freedom which stems from the same source. Twain,who knew the river intimately,used it here both realistically and symbolically. In this paper,I would argue one theme of this novel—the quest for freedom. Mark Twain is a great literary giant of America, and he is also also generally considered one of America’s first and foremost realist and humorists. Among his works, the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which proves itself to be the milestone in American literature, has been considered the greatest one. Hemingway once described the novel “the one book from which all modern American Literature comes ” ⑴ The book is significant in many ways. The great strength of the book comes from the shape given by the course of the raft’s journey down the Mississippi River as Huck and Jim, a Negro slave seek their different kinds of freedom which stems from the same source. Twain, who knew the river intimately, used it here both realistically and symbolically. In this paper, I would argue one theme of this novel-the quest for freedom.
我最怕数学,我是多么希望考出哪怕一次一鸣惊人的好成绩啊!看着那些尖子生谈笑风生地走进数学兴趣班,我真是无比向往啊!但是,那只是个梦! I am most afraid of mathematics,