诗书合璧 厚重雅致——“笔墨随心——林阳诗书作品展研讨会”纪要

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二○一五年四月二十四日,“笔墨随心——林阳诗书作品展”在恭王府安善堂开幕,百余位艺术家与千余观众参观了展览。此次展览展出林阳书法作品近四十幅,均是从其创作的格律诗中精选出来的佳作,尺幅虽小,但颇有精致奇巧和耐人寻味之感。林阳的书法传承家学,在家学基础上又深入领悟书法用笔,研习文学诗歌,并融入新时代特点。书法作为一门中国传统艺术,在继承的同时还需要与时代精神相结合,赋予书法艺术新的时代内涵。林阳作为书法家,自觉承担起了推动书法发展的责任,并提出“书法审美,当随时代”“以画入书”和“尚碑为线”等书法观点。在此次展览上举办的“笔墨随心——林阳诗书作品研讨会”上,与会专家、学者针对林阳提出的书法观点进行了讨论,大家不仅对他的书法理论和实践给予了高度评价,而且对书法艺术未来的发展方向进行了深入探讨。 On April 24, 2015, “Ink and Wash - Lin Yang’s Poetry and Calligraphy Exhibition” was opened at Prince Gong House in Prince Gong’s Mansion. Over a hundred artists and over a thousand audiences visited the exhibition. The exhibition displays nearly forty works of calligraphy in Linyang, both of which are selected works of art from the metrical poems created by them. Although they are small in size, they are exquisitely clever and intriguing. Lin Yang’s calligraphy inheritance and family learning, on the basis of his studies and further understanding of calligraphy pen, study of literary poetry, and into the new era characteristics. As a traditional Chinese art, calligraphy needs to be integrated with the spirit of the times while giving it a new era of calligraphy. Lin Yang, as a calligrapher, consciously assumed the responsibility of promoting the development of calligraphy and proposed the calligraphy point of view, such as “calligraphy aesthetic, with the times”, “drawing into the book” and “Shang Bei line”. Held at this exhibition, “Pen and Heart - Lin Yang poetry work seminar ”, the participating experts and scholars discussed the calligraphy point of view proposed by Lin Yang, we not only gave his calligraphy theory and practice Spoke highly of, but also the direction of the future development of calligraphy art conducted in-depth discussion.
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