
来源 :山花 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:crm888crm
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镇石疙瘩路永远是湿漉漉的,山里的湿气重,清晨,小镇还笼罩在白茫茫的水雾之中。隔着很远就听见声音,牛车声,毛驴打鸣声,还有山里人的说话声。听见声音却不见身影,有时声音越来越小——身影远去了,有时声音越来越近——逐渐地看见一个轮廓,接着看到了赶车人的身影,再靠前,方看见人的相貌。车上是山里出的一些果蔬或山货,正赶着往镇上的集市——去得早可以找个显眼的位置。清晨,镇上的人没几个,阳光还没有透进来,礼堂、供销社、酱醋厂、小学、文化站、镇政府、照相馆都还 The stone lump road is always wet, the mountains of heavy moisture, early morning, the town is also enveloped in the vast white water mist. Across the area heard the sound of cattle car sound, donkey beeps, as well as the mountain people’s voice. Hear the sound but do not see the figure, sometimes the sound is getting smaller and smaller - the figure is gone, and sometimes the sound is getting closer and closer - gradually seeing an outline, then seeing the figure of the driver, and then seeing the appearance of the person . The car is a mountain of some fruits and vegetables or goods, are rushed to the town’s market - to get early to find a conspicuous location. In the morning, few people in the town, the sun has not yet come through, auditorium, supply and marketing cooperatives, vinegar sauce factory, primary school, cultural station, town government, photo studio
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