“我知道我的广告费被浪费了一半,却不知道浪费在哪儿。”这句在广告界颇为流行的话道出了广告主们的无奈。由于广告投放不当而造成的资源浪费长期存在:高额成本不一定换来同样回报、广告淹没在宽泛的投放对象中。在海量家庭观众面前,如何精准抓住客群,成为百视通研究院今年上半年研究的方向。自1 979年新中国出现第一支电视广告至今,中国现代商业化广告的发展历经30多年,已经发生了巨大的变化。毋庸置疑,广告的每次跨越式发展,都离不开新媒体终端的出
“I know my advertising costs have been wasted in half, but do not know where the waste. ” This phrase is popular in the advertising sector out of the frustration of advertisers. Long-term waste of resources due to poor ad delivery: high costs do not necessarily return the same return, ads submerge in a wide range of delivery targets. In the face of mass family audiences, how to accurately grasp the customer base, as BesTV research institute in the first half of this year’s research direction. Since the first television commercial appeared in New China in 1979, the development of modern commercial advertising in China has undergone tremendous changes over the past 30 years. Needless to say, every leap-forward development of advertising is inseparable from the new media terminal