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本文以《导游业务》课程为例,探讨了如何以项目为载体进行高职课程教学设计。重点阐述了能力训练项目和考核方案的设计。一、引言高职课程教学设计是高职教育教学改革的需要,也是高职高专教学体制改革的重点和难点。高职课程教学设计应打破传统的学科体系课程特点而运用以职业活动为导向,突出能力培养,项目载体,用任务训练岗位职业能力,以学生为主体,知识理论实 This article takes the “Guide Service” course as an example to discuss how to carry out the teaching design of higher vocational courses based on the project. Focus on the ability of training programs and assessment program design. I. Introduction Higher vocational teaching design is the teaching reform of higher vocational education needs, but also the reform of higher vocational teaching system focus and difficulty. Teaching design of higher vocational courses should break the traditional characteristics of the subject system curriculum and use the professional activities as the orientation, highlighting the ability training, project carrier, job training with post occupational skills, students as the main body, the theory of knowledge
探讨21例糖尿病高渗性昏迷患者的临床诊治措施及治疗效果。结果 21例糖尿病高渗性昏迷患者年龄均在50岁以上,误诊4例。所有患者经过积极抢救治疗,15例好转,6例死亡,感染因素
双氯芬酸钠 (diclofenacsodium)为非甾体消炎镇痛药 ,能抑制前列腺素的合成 ,具有良好的消炎、镇痛、解热、抗风湿作用。双氯芬酸钠透皮给药制剂是近年国内外研究较多的一种外用消炎镇痛剂型[
根据咪唑四嗪酮类抗癌药物构效关系研究结果 ,以替莫唑胺和米托唑胺为先导化合物 ,设计合成了 1 0个 3 取代 4 氧 3H 咪唑并 [5 ,1 d][1 ,2 ,3 ,5 ]四嗪 8 羧酸及其衍生物
Objectives. To evaluate the fertility and recurrence outcomes in women treated with fertility-sparing surgery for borderline ovarian tumors. Methods. A total of
The reservoir of the Xing’anling Group in the Beier depression of the Hailar basin is loosely cemented with many tuffaceous grains.This causes argillization an
莫西沙星口服后吸收迅速、良好 ,口服 4 0 0 mg后 ,绝对生物利用度约为 86 % ,2 h内达到平均血药峰浓度3.5 6 mg/ L。典型的 4 0 0 mg/ d疗程 10 d疗法 ,在第 10天血药峰浓度