峨眉山自古即有“峨眉天下秀”之称。从汉、晋以至唐、宋、明、清以来因佛教盛行,历代在此修建的庙宇寺观达数十座之多,各种神话故事,遐迩流传,映以奇妙的自然景色、古迹名胜,人巧天工相得益彰。它是我国重要的旅游资源之一。 由于林彪“四人帮”极左路线的干扰破坏,在十年浩劫中,峨眉山所受的破坏是极其严重
Emei Mountain is known as the “Emei World Show” since ancient times. Since the Han, Jin, and Tang dynasties, the Song Dynasty, the Ming Dynasty and the Qing Dynasty, Buddhism has been popular, and as many temples and temples have been built in the past as many as dozens of temples, all kinds of myths and legends have spread, and they are greeted with wonderful natural scenery and monuments. Skillful work complement each other. It is one of China’s important tourism resources. Due to the disruption and destruction of the extreme left line of the “Gang of Four” Lin Biao, the destruction of Emei Mountain was extremely serious during the catastrophic decade.