
来源 :上海实验动物科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangaijjuan860610
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为了探讨深 度烫伤的愈合机理 ,采用 80℃ 6 s和 1 5 s水烫 SD大鼠皮肤制备致深 度烫伤的动物模型 ,定期光镜观察创面自然愈合的情况.结果表明 6 s烫伤组的局部微循环障碍程度较轻 ,烫后 7d真皮深部残留毛囊上皮增生并覆盖创面 ,烫后 1 4d创面已基本愈合.1 5 s烫伤组的局部微循环障碍明显 ,烫后 7d创面进行性加深 ,由深 度向 度演变 ,烫后 1 4d痂下脓肿形成 ,创面未能愈合.结果提示 ,微循环障碍程度与致伤时间密切相关 ,微循环障碍和痂下过度的炎症反应可能是影响创面愈合的主要因素“,”To explore the mechanisms in wound-healing of deep partial thickness burns of skin, an animal model was prepared by scalding SD rat skin with water at 80℃for 6 and 15 seconds in group 1 and 2 respectively, and then followed by light microscopic observation on the natural healing of the wound at fixed intervals. The local microcirculatory impairement of the rats in group 1 was found less serious, 7 days after the scald proliferation of the epithelium of hair follicles, which remained deep in the corium, took place and covering the wound surfaces, and 14 days after the scald the wounds were almost healed. In group 2, the microcirculatory impairement was so obvious .Seven 7 days after scald the wound showedwere deepening progressively from deep partial to full thickness burns, another week later abscess formed beneath the scabs that hindered the wound from healing. It is concluded that the degree of impairement of microcirculation is highly correlated with the length of time of scalding.The severity of microcirculatory impairement and the inflammatory reaction beneath the scabs are both major factors that affect the wound healing.
对经实验前后的普通级和清洁级 K M,BAL B/ c,C5 7BL 小鼠 ,分别用 IFA、ELISA、PAP和 ABC法方法检测小鼠血清中的 L CMV、EHFV、MPV、MHV,仙台病毒抗体和抗原 ;电镜检查组织
从 1 996年 4月至 1 999年 4月 ,大批豚鼠发生死亡 ,损失十分惨重.经临床观察、剖检、微生物学检查、饲料中有毒物质的检测分析 ,以及对比试验等综合诊断 ,确认本病是使用了
利用幼猪复制深低温体外循环模型,研究2 种流量和2 种预充液配方对幼猪体温变化速率、体液平衡以及转流液中红细胞压积和胶体渗透压的影响.结果表明80M L?KG- 1?M IN- 1 的流量
为了研究围产期脑缺氧缺血损伤,选择改良 LEVINE 脑缺氧缺血制备方法,用新生大鼠模拟了人脑缺氧缺血损伤的过程.方法是给7 日龄 S D大鼠作右颈总动脉结扎,送入新生大鼠缺氧房