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目的通过回顾性调查重庆医疗机构不明原因肺炎病例的监测情况,了解监测运行质量,为监测手段的改进提供依据方法按照《全国不明原因肺炎病例监测实施方案(试行)》中“不明原因肺炎病例”监测定义要求,对2006年重庆市某2所医疗机构进行住院肺炎病例调查,以筛查符合病例定义要求的病例数。结果 2006年,2所医疗机构共调查567例住院肺炎病例,其中8例符合不明原因肺炎监测病例定义,8例病例均为城市综合性医院住院病例,男∶女=1.7∶1。5例为60岁以上人群,2例为25~40岁年龄组,1例为5岁以下年龄组。2006年,重庆市265家县级及其以上医疗机构共报告8例不明原因肺炎病例,但均与该次调查的8例病例不重复。结论重庆市以症状监测为手段,在医疗机构开展的不明原因肺炎病例监测在医院运行质量不高,建议改变监测方式,如开展住院严重呼吸道发热病例哨点医院监测,从而提高监测质量。 Objective To retrospectively investigate the surveillance of pneumonia cases of unidentified causes in Chongqing medical institutions, understand the quality of monitoring operation and provide the basis for the improvement of monitoring methods. According to the “National Undetermined Pneumonia Case Surveillance Implementation Plan (Trial)” and “Unidentified Pneumonia Cases ”Monitoring definition of the requirements of 2006, Chongqing, a medical institution in two cases of hospital pneumonia in order to screen the number of cases in line with the definition of the requirements of the case. Results In 2006, 567 hospitalized pneumonia cases were investigated in two medical institutions, of which 8 met the definition of pneumonia due to unexplained pneumonia. All 8 patients were hospitalized in urban general hospitals, with male and female = 1.7: 1.5 People over the age of 60, 2 were 25 to 40 years old, and 1 was under 5 years old. In 2006, a total of 265 cases of unexplained pneumonia were reported by 265 county-level and above medical institutions in Chongqing, but none of the 8 cases were repeated. Conclusion Symptom monitoring in Chongqing as a means to carry out the unexplained pneumonia in medical institutions to monitor the quality of the operation in hospitals is not high, it is recommended to change the monitoring methods, such as carrying out sentinel hospital surveillance of severe respiratory fever in hospital so as to improve the quality of monitoring.
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