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[目的]总结手术治疗脊柱转移癌的效果及其适应证。[方法]自1988年1月~1998年9月,共手术治疗脊柱转移癌22例,其中颈椎2例,胸椎8例,腰椎11例,骶椎1例,合并完全截瘫2例,不完全截瘫5例,有神经根刺激症状7例,无神经功能障碍8例。有5例手术前后各项检查未发现原发肿瘤。前路手术15例,后路手术7例。[结果]术后17例获随访,15例疼痛缓解。术后半年内死亡2例,6至12个月死亡2例,1至2年死亡4例,2年后死亡4例,其余5例至今存活。除2例完全截瘫病人外,其余病人的生活质量均有不同程度的提高。[结论]脊柱转移癌手术治疗能缓解疼痛、稳定脊柱、预防截瘫的发生,从而达到提高生活质量、延长生命的目的。 [Objective] To summarize the efficacy and indications of surgical treatment of metastatic carcinoma of the spine. [Methods] From January 1988 to September 1998, a total of 22 cases of spinal metastases were treated, including 2 cases of cervical spine, 8 cases of thoracic vertebrae, 11 cases of lumbar vertebrae, 1 case of sacral vertebra, 2 cases of complete paraplegia, and incomplete paraplegia. Five patients had nerve root irritation in 7 cases and no neurological dysfunction in 8 cases. There were 5 primary tumors before and after surgery. Anterior surgery was performed in 15 cases and posterior surgery in 7 cases. [Results] 17 cases were followed up after operation and 15 cases had pain relief. Two patients died within six months after surgery, two patients died between six and 12 months, four patients died within one to two years, four patients died after two years, and the remaining five patients survived to this day. Except for 2 cases of complete paraplegic patients, the quality of life of the other patients increased to varying degrees. [Conclusion] Surgical treatment of spinal metastases can relieve pain, stabilize the spine and prevent the occurrence of paraplegia, so as to improve the quality of life and prolong life.
In despite of half-a-year losses, there is no sign of massive output reduction of electrolytic aluminum enterprises. Zhang Rufeng, a senior analyst of the alumi
目的:探讨p53 蛋白、增殖细胞核抗原( P C N A)在原发性胆囊癌组织中的表达及临床意义。方法:应用免疫组化 L S A B法,对46 例胆囊癌及30 例慢性胆囊炎组织中p53 蛋白、 P C N A 的表达进行检测。结果:46 例
It is said that Yunnan Aluminum has completed China’s first proprietary production line of high-strength aluminum alloy round bars with annual capacity of 40,0
1 资料与手术方法11 临床资料 患者女,38岁,自述肝区偶有不适,查体肝区有轻度叩击痛,肝肋缘下2cm,无腹水;CT检查:肝右叶巨大低密度灶,中心见不规则的更低密度区,增强后密度明显增高,病灶最大