China subway in 1 billion 230 million yuan for us

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  Losangeles County Metropolitan Transportation Bureau and china CNR Corporation signed the red and purple line project of metro vehicle sales contracts in Losangeles subway station, worth 1 billion 230 million yuan. This is the second Boston red and orange line subway project, Zhongche Changke once again bid the project.
  China CNR Losangeles introduced, the technical requirements of the project implementation of the United States in the new standards, the design life of 40 years. Train operating speed of 120 kilometers per hour, is a typical American fast rail vehicles, up to 6 marshalling. Among them, the network control system of train vehicle Changke will use self-developed software.
  The general manager of china CNR company An Zhongyi introduced, the difficulty of the new American standard more requirements of vehicle structure strength, higher performance.
  Losangeles project body all external stainless steel welding will use the international advanced laser welding technology, the body will be more smooth, beautiful. At the same time, the train to run on the old line, to bring a lot of technical challenges. "The company has been concentrating on the development of new technologies, in a number of advanced process technology has made progress, according to customer demand, tailored for its products, from China's rail transportation solutions." Safety loyalty theory.
  The general manager, China Zhongche group company stock company president Xi Guohua said that China and Losangeles local enterprises, government and school to establish a shared win-win mechanism, create employment opportunities, increase revenue, and the local enterprise integration and development, common rail transit development opportunities.
  Losangeles County Metropolitan Transportation Bureau Chief Executive Phil Washington to china CNR's localization contribution commitment in this project, including the creation of local employment, and enhance the weak enterprises cooperation, localization factories and expressed their appreciation and support.
Beijing spring, spring, full of vigour. A month later, "The Belt and Road International Cooperation Forum will be opened here.  2013 fall, Xi Jinping, general secretary proposed to build the Silk Road
Tara Tiny J, the president of the Cyprus appraisers and career advisory committee, said Chinese investors have made a significant contribution to the recovery of the country's real estate sector in th
Tara Tiny J, the president of the Cyprus appraisers and career advisory committee, said Chinese investors have made a significant contribution to the recovery of the country's real estate sector in th
[摘 要]二十一世纪以来,我国的经济取得了极大的发展,社会取得了极大的进步,我国正在朝着小康社会全面迈进。虽然我国的经济建设取得了一定的效果,但是,贫困地区仍然大量存在,因此,我国政府建立了专门的扶贫专项资金,用于帮助贫困地区、经济不发达地区的经济建设,改变这些地区落后的经济面貌,最终达到提升人民生活水平的目的。本文就扶贫专项资金存在的问题以及审计重点进行了探讨和分析,希望能够为相关的技术工作者们
[摘 要]随着国有企业的快速发展,会计集中核算在企业经济管理中的重要作用日益凸显。因此,只有加强国有企业的会计集中核算管理力度,才能有效提高国有企业的整体管理水平,并促使企业利润不断扩大。本文将针对现阶段国有企业会计集中核算存在的问题进行详细分析,进而提出了相应解决策略,旨在为完善国有企业集中核算提供有利参考意见。  [关键词]国有企业;会计集中核算;问题分析;对策建议  1 引言  会计集中核算
[摘 要]“营改增”对于处在经济环境中的企业产生了非常大的影响,企业如何顺应新的税收政策调整自身的经营策略对于自身具有重要意义。本文将着重介绍“营改增”的相关内容和由此对企业财务状况产生的影响,并针对具体影响提出应对措施。  [关键词]“营改增”;企业财务影响;财务管理;税务管理  1“营改增”的背景和意义  增值税的概念由来已久,各个国家都有征收增值税的政策,我国从上世纪80年代起开始征收增值税
[摘 要]随着全球经济的快速发展,我国经济与国际经济的接轨化程度也越来越高,这就造成了企业的财务活动相对复杂。目前在资本市场的发展中,仍然存在一些不和谐的因素,尤其是在上市公司中,经常会出现财务报告虚假的状况,所以就有必要对上市公司的财务报表进行详细分析。本文以A公司为例对上市公司财务报表分析做了详细的介绍,并发现问题提出合理有效的建议。  [关键词]上市公司;财务报表;应对措施  1引言  财务
[摘 要]最近这些年,在会计界与审计界都比较重视对于财务管理的内部控制展开相关的研究。但是自从相关部门发布了企业风险管理的框架之后就将内部控制理论带入了风险管理的全新的发展阶段。尽管在之前我国对于内部控制的理论研究与实践早就有了相关的研究,并且在最近几年得到了比较快速有效的发展,但是目前在实际的财务管理工作过程中还是会或多或少的存在一些问题。本文主要是将美国财务管理内部控制与中国的情况加以简单的对
[摘 要]会计信息化在企业信息化建设中有着十分重要的作用,因此,要想实现企业的信息化建设,就必须加强企业信息化人才的培训,而对于信息化人才的培养途径,最有效的便是通过校企合作来实现,这样不仅能够培养出企业信息化发展所需要的人才,还能够促进学校与企业的良好合作,实现学校所培育人才的顺利输出。本文通过对校企合作背景下企业会计信息化建设进行分析,以期更好的满足企业的持续发展需求。  [关键词]校企合作;
[摘 要]公允价值变动损益作为一个重要的损益类型科目,是指公允价值与账面价值之间的差额。该项目反映了资产在持有期間因公允价值变动而产生的损益。在会计核算中,交易性金融资产、交易性金融负债、以公允价值模式计量的投资性房地产的公允价值变动要通过它反映。本文将从他们在会计核算的应用出发,总结出这一科目对利润表的影响。  [关键词]公允价值变动损益;会计核算;利润表  公允价值变动损益是指一项资产在取得之