An Approach to Automatic Performance Prediction for Cloud-Enhanced Mobile Applications with Sparse D

来源 :计算机科学技术学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zjxtlgj
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In mobile cloud computing (MCC), offloading compute-intensive parts of a mobile application onto the cloud is an attractive method to enhance application performance. To make good offloading decisions, history-based machine-leing techniques are proposed to predict application performance under various offloading schemes. However, the data sparsity problem is common in a realistic MCC scenario but is rarely the conc of existing work. In this paper, we employ a two-phase hybrid framework to predict performance for cloud-enhanced mobile applications, which is designed to be robust to the data sparsity. By training several multi-layer neural networks with historical execution records, the first phase automatically predicts some intermediate parameters for each execution of an application. The models leed by these neural networks can be shared among different applications, thus alleviating the data sparsity. Based on these predicted intermediate parameters and the application topology, the second phase deterministically calculates the estimated values of the performance metrics. The deterministic algorithm can partially guarantee the prediction accuracy of newly published applications even with no execution records. We evaluate our approach with a cloud-enhanced object recognition application and show that our approach can precisely predict the application performance and is robust to data sparsity.
我院新进一台德国产奥替玛斯全自动洗片机在正常使用不到 2个月出现一罕见故障 ,现报告如下。故障现象 开机后机器运转正常 ,但冲洗出来的胶片不干 ,出片口送出来的是冷风。
二道区位于长春市东部,幅员总面积452.02平方公里,农村面积427.74平方公里,下辖2镇1乡、34个行政村、281个村民小组,农业人口7.4万人,农村劳动力人数3.23万人,耕地总面积31.5万亩,林地18万亩,境内河流6条,可利用水域面积3000亩。近年来,区委、区政府强化措施,突出重点,全面推进新农村建设,取得了显著成效。我们的主要做法是:  一、立足区情,明确新农村建设总体思路   从我
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