
来源 :农业机械 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:foxdafei
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“十一五”期间,国家高度重视“三农”工作,通过“两减免、三补贴”支农惠农等政策加大了对农业的支持力度,加之中央财政不断增加农机购置补贴资金规模和补贴范围,并把提高农业机械化水平作为促进农民增收的一项重要措施。农业机械制造业受益于国家政策鼓励、资金投入、财税优惠等多个方面的扶持,同时随着科研、生产、开发体系进一步的创新和发展,产业规模不断扩大并稳步保持快速发展态势,农机工业主要总量指标已经位于世界前列。 During the Eleventh Five-Year Plan period, the state attaches great importance to the work on agriculture, rural areas and farmers and stepped up its support to agriculture through policies such as “two exemptions and three subsidies” and "supporting agriculture and benefiting the peasants. Coupled with the continuous increase in the central finance, Agricultural machinery purchase subsidy funds scale and scope of subsidies, and to improve the level of agricultural mechanization as an important measure to promote farmer income. Agricultural machinery manufacturing industry has benefited from many aspects of state policy encouragement, capital investment, preferential tax treatment and other aspects of support. At the same time, with the further innovation and development of scientific research, production and development system, the industrial scale has been continuously expanded and maintained a rapid development trend. Agricultural Machinery Industry The main indicators of the total amount have been at the forefront of the world.
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公馆菜是中国菜系里非常特殊的一种,大约彰显于晚清;民国初年,因为世事的变幻,社会的解组,公馆菜开始从私宅走向餐饮市场。  公馆菜虽然不属于任何一个菜系,但一经面市,就以其选料严格,技艺独到,烹制精美,口味不凡而自成一派,受到众多美食家的追捧。  公馆菜大致分为两类,一类是某公馆菜系列的专用名,比如谭家菜,指的是晚清进士谭宗浚家的宴席菜;一类是某一菜品的专用名,如潘鱼,指的是晚清工部尚书潘祖荫家的一
Genes encoding single-chain antibodies have been first constructed,which consist of the heavyand light chain variable domains of antibody PS-9 joined together
幽浮世外,泥凝时刻,她的眼神似乎拥有钢铁般的温柔,飘忽却又实在。始终喜欢优雅的深蓝,搭配馨香的金,宁静而清朗,仿佛在倾尽一切。 Ursus ficuli, muddy moment, her eyes s
沉寂了一整个冬日,盼望已久的春天正在悄然来临。告别死气沉沉,要炫、要美、要撒欢儿。来吧,一起武装起来,迎接这个美丽的春天。 Quiet an entire winter, the long-awaited