Comparative Study of Proximate,Chemical and Physicochemical Properties of Less Explored Tropical Lea

来源 :东北农业大学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:cestlaviewuyu
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The list of underutilized green leafy vegetables is enormous: ranging from commonly consumed and underutilized vegetables. There are data on commonly consumed vegetables, but information is sparse on nutritional, chemical and anti-nutritional properties of less explored vegetables. This work aimed to evaluate some attributes of less explored or underutilized leafy vegetables. Some nutritional and anti-nutritional contents of 10 under-utilized leafy vegetables(Amaranthus spinosus Linnaeus,Basella alba Linnaeus,Corchorous tridens L.,Cyrtosperma senegalense(Schott),Erigeron floribundus Sch,Hoslundia opposita Vahl,Lagenaria siceraria(Molina)Standl,Ocimum basilicum L.,Solanum aethiopicum L.and Talinum portulacifolium(Forssk.)Asch.ex Schweinf) were investigated.Cyrtosperma senegalense had the highest protein value(5.93%).Hoslundia opposita had the highest fat content (0.54%).Amaranthus spinosus was high in β-carotene content(346.3 mg?100 g-1);Cyrtosperma senegalense had the highest moisture content. A. spinosus had the highest ascorbic acid content (108.1 mg ?100 g-1).The highest tannin level (0.0057%) was found in C.senegalense and the lowest(0.0003%)was found in Solanum aethiopicum.Saponin was the highest in C.tridens(0.0052%)and the lowest in T. portulacifolium (0.00014%). C. senegalense and S. aethiopicum had their highest and the lowest phytate values, respectively. Although anti-nutrients could interfere with nutrient utilization, their values in these vegetables were not at toxic levels.
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