Revenge of the Nerds

来源 :科技英语学习 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lizhe_sky
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The image of the lonely and awkward scientist may be accurate, but his asocial habits, it seems, are not harmful to his health. The results of a 69-year-long study suggest that other things being equal, male scientists are likely to slightly outlive male nonscientists.
Section B(0.5 Point each) 26.[译文]随着学习科学的学生人数的减少,我们将失去很多具有知识创造性潜力的人才。 [注释]选A.creativity 选择项B.credential意为“(某人)可
英语初学者都知道,man意为男子,其复数形式为men。然而man还有一些别的意义。 English beginners all know that man means men and his plural form is men. However, man
The main category of people amongst the male human species who command a high degree of veneration and dignity just by appearances are the baldies. They are in
在英语读物中常遇到这样的句子:“She looked worried.”和“Don’t worry.”“You won’t have to worry about rank or pay.”等。其含义均为“担心、烦恼、忧愁”之意。
It is truly reported, according to the wisest men, that the eye of a snake has a special power, drawing a victim forward in spite of his will, to die by the cr
There are 9 words or 33 letters in the sentence: the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog. It contains the 26 letters of the English alphabet. In the past yea
艾格尼斯已经96岁。她住在维斯特切斯特县一所养老院的109房间。多数日子她总是坐在轮椅上。阅读书报,打打瞌睡;凝视着什么,等待着什么。 星期二到了。艾格尼斯起了床,穿好