当今世界,能够有机会学习物理这门学科的人仅占总人口中很小的一部分,更不用说要获得诺贝尔奖了。但如今,杰拉德·霍夫特(Gerard!tHooft,1999年诺贝尔物理学奖得主)正试图改变这一切。他认为,每个人都应该有机会接受物理学这种知识,它能激发人们投身于一个理论物理学家、诺贝尔奖获得者所从事的那种科学事业。目前,霍夫特以此为目的建立了一个物理学网站(www.phys.uu.nl/ ̄thooft/theorist.html)。按照他的意图,你所需要的就是上网、开动脑筋和发愤用功了。这个网站是为那些“全心全意想要获得他们自己的诺贝尔奖”的人而开设的。不久前,《新科学家》杂志记者阿曼达·杰夫特(AmandaGefter)采访了霍夫特,以下是访谈内容。
In today's world, only a tiny fraction of the total population, let alone Nobel Prizes, have the opportunity to learn the discipline of physics. But now, Gerard Hooft, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1999, is trying to change everything. He believes that everyone should have the opportunity to accept the knowledge of physics that can inspire people to engage in the kind of scientific undertaking that a theoretical physicist, a Nobel laureate, is doing. Currently, Hought established a physics website for this purpose (www.phys.uu.nl/~thooft/theorist.html). According to his intentions, all you need is internet access, brains and energy. This site is for those who “wholeheartedly want to get their own Nobel Prize” was opened. Not long ago, New Scientist magazine reporter Amanda Gefter interviewed Mr. Hought. The following is an interview.