早期尝试 1784年英国化学家拉瓦锡作过这样的预言:“假如……地球突然进到极冷的地区,……空气无疑将不再以看不见的流体形式存在,它将回到液态,这就会产生一种我们迄今未知的新液体”。他的预言一直激励着人们试图实现气体的液化,或者尝试达到极低的温度。人们最早的努力是试图用高压压缩气体。十八世纪末,荷兰的马伦(Martin Van Mafum,1750—1837)曾进行过一系列实验,以检验波义耳定律是对所有气体有效,还是仅对空气有效。他取各种气体作实验,其中有一种气体是氨,他不断增大实验所需的压力,发现
Earlier Attempt The 1784 British chemist Lavoisier made the prophecy: “If ... the Earth suddenly went into a very cold area, ... the air no doubt will no longer exist as an invisible fluid, it will return to liquid form, This produces a new liquid that we have not known until now. ” His predictions have motivated people to try to liquefy their gas or to try to reach extremely low temperatures. The earliest effort was to try to compress the gas with high pressure. In the late eighteenth century, Martin Van Mafum of the Netherlands (1750-1837) conducted a series of experiments to test whether Boyle’s law is valid for all gases or air only. He took a variety of gases for experiments, one of which is ammonia gas, he constantly increasing the pressure required for the experiment, found