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我厂过去钻孔是用麻花钻头,钻孔效率很低,后来我们推广了三尖钻,使生产效率提高了约140~300%。三尖钻的优点有以下几点:1.生产率高,缩短机动时间;2.转速高,可增加表面光洁度;3.中心稳定,不会移偏;4.转向压力及扭转力矩均较普通麻花钻头降低,可加大进刀量;5.钻头磨成三尖,并无特殊困难;6.排出切屑很自然,减少塑性变形所消耗的动力。由于以上这些优点,我厂在去年六月份开始推广三尖钻,现将获得的使用经验介绍如下: In the past, our factory used the twist drill bit to drill the hole. The drilling efficiency was very low. Later, we promoted the tip drill, which increased the production efficiency by about 140% to 300%. The advantages of the tricycle drill the following points: 1 high productivity, shorten the maneuver time; 2 high speed, can increase the surface finish; 3 center stable, will not move deviation; 4 steering pressure and torque than ordinary twist Bit lower, can increase the amount of feed; 5 drill bit into three sharp, no special difficulties; 6 discharge of the chip is natural, reducing the plastic deformation of the power consumed. Because of these above advantages, our factory began to promote the tricycle in June last year, and the experience we have gained is as follows:
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