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振兴林业,调整林区生产结构,摆脱林业危机,没有专门人才,将成为空话。邓小平同志说:“我们要实现现代化,关键是科学技术要能上去。发展科学技术,不抓教育不行。靠空讲不能实现现代化,必须有知识、有人才。”可见,知识、人才在林业经济中占有十分重要的地位。无才不兴,有了人才,无财可以聚财,也会用财,可以做到开源节流;有了人才,就可以依据自然规律和经济规律办事,使林业建设逐步走出谷底,实现森林生态和林业经济的良好循环;有了人才,就能使我国林业逐步摆脱采掘式的传统林业,建设具有中国特色的 Revitalization of forestry, adjusting the forest production structure, get out of the forestry crisis, there is no specialized personnel, will become empty talk. Comrade Deng Xiaoping said: “If we want to realize modernization, the key is that science and technology should be able to go up. To develop science and technology, we must not educate, but we must have knowledge and talent if we can not carry out modernization by air.” " Forestry economy occupies a very important position. Without talent is not Xing, with talent, no wealth can gather money, will also use the money, you can do to increase income and reduce expenditure; with talent, you can act in accordance with natural laws and economic laws, so that forestry construction and gradually bottomed out to achieve forest ecology and Forestry economy, a good cycle; with talent, we will be able to gradually get rid of China’s forestry mining-style traditional forestry, building with Chinese characteristics
Excessive activation of G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) and receptor tyrosine kinase (RTK) pathways has been linked to prostate cancer metastasis. Rac activat
为了应对全球金融危机,世界主要国家都将刺激经济的重点放在新能源开发、节能技术、智能电网等领域,通过扩大政府投资和私人投资来实现向低碳经济的转型 In response to the
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联合国粮农组织托马斯博士,由林业部资源司陈振杰处长陪同,于11月9日到金华华东院作为期五天的考察,并决定援助我国林业遥感技术项目。 Accompanied by Director Chen Zhen
OBJECTIVE The alcoholism-related social problems have burdened the public health heavily.A better therapy for alcohol dependence as a chronic brain disease is h