挖掘深入 分析细致 考释缜密——读周日健教授的《新丰方言志》

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作为汉语方言研究的一个重要组成部分,方言志的编纂是近年来令人瞩目的一个重要领域,随着一批批训练有素,富有工作经验的语言学工作者的参与,大批高质量的方言志著述纷纷问世,《云南省汉语方言志》、《上海市区方言志》以及山西、山东、江苏、浙江、福建、湖北等地的方言志丛书便是其中的代表。在这众多的著述中,周日健教授的《新丰方言志》(广东高教出版社1990年12月版)是其中有相当学术水准 As an important part of the study of Chinese dialects, the compilation of dialects is an important area that has attracted attention in recent years. With the participation of a group of well-trained and experienced linguists, a large number of high-quality dialects are spoken. Publications have come out in succession. The dialects of Yunnan dialects in Yunnan Province, Dialects in Shanghai, and dialects in Shanxi, Shandong, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Hubei are among them. Among many of these writings, Professor Zhou Rijian’s “Xinfeng Dialect” (Guangdong Higher Education Press, December 1990) is one of the most academic.
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