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亲爱的读者朋友们: 你们好!新年好! 21世纪在“千唤万唤”中终于来到了!这是一个知识经济时代,想必你已经作好了充分的准备。我们“策划人生”栏目“谁在××赚了100万”这次推出以知识致富,凭智慧“吃饭”的京城打工仔吴楚浩。其编辑意图非常明显。好几年以前,中国出了个打工“皇帝”何慕,年薪50万;近几年,又出了个打工“皇后”吴士宏。今日吴楚浩,又是不简单的一个!“小小”年纪当上行政副总裁,年薪加股份收入100万。透过他从广东到北京的经历,该让我们众多的打工者们从中吸取什么呢?那些刚出校门或未出校门就一头闯进创业大军的学子们,也许能读懂些什么。本栏目已先后讲了5个青年人在深圳、上海、武汉、石家庄、北京赚了100万或100万以上的故事,读者反应强烈。那么接下来希望广州、海口、重庆、成都、西安、南京、珠海、厦门或全国任何一个大中城市的读者提供采访线索及来稿。要求:必须是外地人闯大城市,必须是知识致富、智慧“吃饭”型的。来稿或提供线索请与成功杂志社李艺林联系。 Dear Readers, Dear Readers, Good! Happy New Year! The 21st Century has finally arrived! This is a time of knowledge-based economy. You must have made adequate preparations. We “planning life ” section “Who made $ 1 million × ×” This launch of knowledge to get rich, with wisdom “eating ” of the capital wage earners Wu Chuhao. Its editorial intent is obvious. Several years ago, China made a working “emperor” Mo, an annual salary of 500,000; in recent years, and out of a working “queen” Wu Shihong. Today Wu Chuhao, is not a simple one! “Little ” senior vice president of the executive, the annual salary plus shares of income 1 million. Through his experience from Guangdong to Beijing, what should we learn from the large number of migrant workers? Those students who have just started their own school or left the school door to break into the entrepreneurial army may understand something. This section has talked about five young people in Shenzhen, Shanghai, Wuhan, Shijiazhuang, Beijing made a million or more than one million stories, the reader reacted strongly. Then we hope readers in Guangzhou, Haikou, Chongqing, Chengdu, Xi’an, Nanjing, Zhuhai, Xiamen or any large and medium-sized cities in the country will provide interview clues and contributions. Requirements: Must be outsiders break into big cities, must be knowledge-rich, wisdom “eat ” type. Contributions or clues please contact the success magazine Li Yilin.
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每个工作日的早上醒来,陈晨都会焦虑“该如何熬过新的一天”。这样的状态持续了将近两年。在别人眼中,供职于口腔连锁医院的陈晨,工作稳定,薪资优厚。事实上,她多年前就已经成为职场霸凌的被侵害方。现在,让陈晨饱受折磨的是,领导看不到她的努力,每天她都在被批评和否定中度过。  上班对于陈晨而言,更像是去打一场心理战。仅仅28岁的陈晨被查出患有甲状腺肿瘤,做了手术。医生明确告诉她,这类疾病是长期不良情绪和心理
金融危机带来了消费降级趋势,零售商自有品牌得以借“优质低价”优势迅速扩张。面对市场份额的流失,制造商品牌该如何应对?    金融危机席卷全球,萎靡的国际需求使众多制造商出口受阻。同时,中国制造业对内受到零售商自有品牌的冲击——由于金融危机使得消费者的价格敏感度进一步提高,零售商自有品牌的优势被强化。在当前环境下,零售商的自有品牌不断侵蚀着制造商品牌,形成一种直接的竞争关系,并有愈演愈烈之势。