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他,没有豪言壮语,也没有丰功伟绩。然而,他在平凡的社会保险岗位上,4年如一日,对工作一丝不苟和对同事满腔热情,赢得了人们由衷的赞扬。他,就是全国劳动和社会保障系统个人一等功获得者、永胜县社会保险事业管理局局长、共产党员张丽生。作为一名共产党员,如何实践“三个代表”重要思想?作为一个社保人,又如何把党和政府对广大企业职工的关心不折不扣地送到他们的心坎上?张丽生常常思考这样的问题。他认定一个道理:虽然我们做不了惊天动地的大事,但我们完全应该通过自己的努力把本职工作做好、做扎实,用我们周到优质的服务,为企业和职工提供更多的便利。去年初,一个企业职工达到退休年龄后,因劳资人员疏忽,未及时办理退休手续。一天,他到社保局,不分清红皂白,就冲着局长办公室大喊:“你们是干啥吃的!不让我领‘养命钱’,还让我缴费,是啥道理!”张丽生耐心地听他把话说完,然后帮他查阅台账,又给他讲解办理退休手续的程序,使他消除了对社会保险的误会。送走这位职工后,张丽生仍放心不下,又专门打电话给他单位的劳资人员,督促他们第二天就来为这名职工办理报减和补缴欠费手续。这位老同志第二个月按时领到了养老金。事后,他感激地说:“真没想 He, there is no rhetoric, nor great achievements. However, he has won heartfelt praise for his extraordinary social insurance position, his four-year commitment to meticulous work and his passion for his colleagues. He is the first-class winner of the national labor and social security system, Zhang Lisheng, secretary of the Social Insurance Administration of Yongsheng County and a member of the Communist Party. As a communist, how to practice the important thinking of the ’Three Represents’? As a social security man, how can we give the party and the government’s care to employees of the broad masses of enterprises without any compromise? Zhang Lisheng often thinks Such a problem. He finds one truth: although we can not do earth-shattering events, we should, through our own efforts, do our work well and do solid work and provide more conveniences to our enterprises and workers through our thoughtful and quality service. At the beginning of last year, after an enterprise worker reached the retirement age, he failed to handle the retirement formalities due to the negligence of the staff and workers. One day, he went to the Social Insurance Administration, regardless of indiscriminateness, and shouted to the office of the secretary: ”What are you doing to eat! Do not let me lead the life of money, but also let me pay, is what reason!“ ” Listening to him patiently, Zhang Lisheng finished his speech, and then helped him check the bill and gave him an explanation of the procedures for handling retirement so that he could eliminate the misunderstanding of social insurance. After leaving this employee, Zhang Lixin still rest assured, but also specifically call his unit of labor and capital personnel, urged them to come to the next day for the employee reported retrenchment and pay the arrears. The old comrade received his pension on time in the second month. Afterwards, he said gratefully: "I really did not think so
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