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一九四六年秋,八路军三五九旅在王震将军率领下,由湖北突围奔赴延安。历时两月余,经鄂、豫、甘、陕四省,战斗行军六千里。蒋匪以十倍于我的兵力尾追截击,情况十分严重,环境极为艰苦。但我军在党的领导下,在广大人民的支援下,英勇顽强,百战百胜,屡歼敌军,终于冲破了重重险阻,胜利到达延安。毛主席并且还接见了我们全旅的同志。 In autumn 1946, under the leadership of General Wang Zhen, the Eighth Route Army 359 Brigade broke into the city of Yan’an from Hubei. After more than two months, the four provinces of Hubei, Henan, Gansu and Shaanxi fought march six thousand miles. Jiang Kui ten times as long as I chase after the chase, the situation is very serious, the environment is extremely difficult. However, under the leadership of the party and with the support of the broad masses of the people, our army bravely and tenaciously victoriously and repeatedly annihilated the enemy troops. Finally, we broke through numerous obstacles and reached the victory in Yan’an. Chairman Mao also interviewed our comrades throughout the trip.
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6月6日《司马光砸缸》 司马光(1019—1086)北宋大臣、史学家。陕州夏县(山西夏县,044400)人。他出生时,父亲司马池任光州光山(河南光山,465450)县令,故取名“光”。曾任翰林