四十五年过去,弹指一挥间! 也许是亿万华夏子孙千百年的呼唤,也许是时间在宇宙轨道上匆匆流淌中的凝固,也许是浦江畔燃起圣火的“普罗米修斯”的气度恢宏的抉择……1949年10月,历史在第一个太阳升起的早晨定格:饱经沧桑的民族凤凰涅槃,一个全新的时代乘风而至。 忘记过去意味着背叛。今天,在共和国第45个生日之际,我们重新回首中国体育的“世纪之行”,蓦然发现,翻开的第一页记满了中华民族的屈辱,记载的是我们已经埋葬并将永世铭记的四个大字——“东亚病夫”! 19世纪末20世纪初的中国,政治腐败,经济落后,偌大国家如重病之人。就民族体魄而言亦柔弱至极,一家外国报纸曾这样写道:“夫中国者,东亚病夫也,其麻木不仁久矣。”尽管当时在“师夷长技”的方针下,军队中也引进了一些西方体育项目,如北洋水
In the past forty-five years, it may be the call of hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants for centuries, maybe the solidification of the time flowing in the orbit of the universe, perhaps the flame of Prussianius “Magnificent choice ... ... October 1949, history in the first sunrise of the morning freeze: the vicissitudes of the national phoenix Nirvana, a brand new era by the wind. Forgetting the past means betrayal. Today, on the 45th birthday of the Republic, we revisit the ”century trip“ of Chinese sports and suddenly find that the first page opened is full of humiliation by the Chinese nation. It is recorded that we have buried and kept the eternal memory In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, China was politically corrupt, economically backward, and a big country like a seriously ill person. As far as the national physique is concerned, it is extremely weak. A foreign newspaper once wrote: ”Although the husband of China and the sick man of East Asia are too insensitive for a long time.“ Although at that time the army also introduced the principle of ” Some Western sports, such as Northern Water