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佛教是世界三大宗教之一。它伴随着古代印度恒河文明的出现,已历时二千六百多年。尽管科学不断进步,但它仍以其强韧的生命力而延续下来,其中一个重要因素就是它有鲜明的善恶观。在“七佛通戒偈”中,对佛教作了这样的概括:“诸恶莫作,诸善奉行,自净其意,是诸佛教。”这说明,佛教就是以抑恶扬善、净化人心为要旨的。原始佛教的善恶观,涉及面很广,本文只介绍几个贴近生活的问题,旨在对宗教有更深的认识与理解。一、五戒十善法与因果报应说佛教所宣扬的善恶诸法,是世俗道德的基础。在诸法中,最重要的是五戒法和十善法,这是佛教为广大世俗信徒所规定的根本戒法。当然,出家僧众也必须修持五戒十善,但这对他们来说只是起码的戒法。所谓五戒,即戒杀、戒盗、戒淫、戒妄、戒酒。在这五戒法中,前四戒为性戒,即在本性上就是恶法。这是五戒法中的主要部分,故在佛典中有时只提这四戒。最后一戒为遮戒,即在本性上非恶无罪,但饮酒乱性,易犯戒律,招惹是非,故亦为戒。佛教的五戒法同儒家的五常说(仁、义、礼、智、信)在精 Buddhism is one of the three major religions in the world. It accompanied the emergence of the ancient Indian Ganges civilization, which lasted for more than 2,600 years. Despite the advances in science, it continues with its strong vitality. One of the important factors is that it has a clear concept of good and evil. In the Seven Buddhist Scriptures, Buddhism is generally summed up as follows: “All kinds of evil are done, all kinds of good practice, self-purification, and all Buddhism.” This shows that Buddhism is based on suppressing evil Good, Purify the heart for the purpose. The original Buddhist concept of good and evil, involving a wide range of, this article describes only a few close to the issue of life, aimed at a deeper understanding of religion and understanding. I. The Five Laws Ten Laws and Kinship Retribution The good and evil laws advocated by Buddhism are the foundation of secular morality. Among the various laws, the five precepts and the ten best laws are the most important. This is the fundamental way in which Buddhism provides for the majority of secular believers. Of course, the monk monks must also practice the five precepts and ten virtues, but this is only a minimum precept for them. The so-called five precepts, that is, to kill, thieves, abstinence, quit, abstinence. Among the five precepts, the first four precepts are sexual precepts, that is, they are inherently evil laws. This is the main part of the Five Precepts, so sometimes it is mentioned only in the Buddhist scriptures. The last one is the cover, that is non-evil in nature, innocence, but drinking disorderly, easy to make commandments, provoke right and wrong, so also for the ring. The Buddhist precepts are the same as the five Confucian sayings (benevolence, righteousness, ritual, wisdom, and faith)
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