明确职责 规范执法 甘肃国税系统全面推行行政执法责任制

来源 :甘肃税务 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nankaizhizhuan
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为了进一步增强税务干部依法行政意识,规范行政行为,全面推进我省国税系统的法制建设,确保国家的各项税收法律、法规及时、准确地得到贯彻执行,省国税局依据省委、省人大、省政府有关规定,制定了《甘肃省国家税务局行政执法责任制实施办法》、《甘肃省国家税务局行政执法过错责任追究办法》和《甘肃省国家税务局行政执法责任制考核暂行办法》,并下发全省国税系统从文到之日起实行。省国税局制定的上述三个办法,对于维护国家利益,保护纳税人合法权益,明确国税机关和税务执法人员的行政责任,褒扬依法纳税,惩治违法行政将会起到积极作用。据悉,为了与上述三个办法相配套,省国税局正在拟订《甘肃省国家税务局行政处罚听证程序规则》、《甘肃省国家税务局行政复议程序规则》和《甘肃省国家税务局赔偿 In order to further enhance the awareness of administrative cadres in accordance with the law, standardize administrative actions, comprehensively promote the legal system in our province’s tax system to ensure that the state’s tax laws and regulations timely and accurately implemented, the Provincial Internal Revenue Service based on provincial Party committee, provincial people’s congress, Relevant regulations of the provincial government formulated the Measures for the Implementation of the Responsibility System for Administrative Enforcement of Law by the State Administration of Taxation in Gansu Province, Measures for Investigating the Responsibility for Faults in Administrative Law Enforcement of Gansu Province, and Interim Measures for Assessment of the Responsibility System for Administrative Enforcement by Gansu Province National Taxation Bureau, And issued the province’s tax system from the date of implementation. The above three measures formulated by the Provincial Internal Revenue Service have played an active role in safeguarding the national interest, protecting the legitimate rights and interests of the taxpayers, clarifying the administrative responsibilities of the taxation authorities and tax law enforcement officials, praising taxpaying and punishing the illegal administration according to law. It is reported that, in order to match with the above three measures, the provincial IRS is drafting the Gansu Province State Administration of Taxation Administrative Proceedings Hearing Rules, Gansu Province State Administration of Taxation Administrative Reconsideration Rules and Gansu Province State Revenue Service Compensation