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一、使动用法的几种特殊形式 在“齐威王欲将孙膑”句中,“将”是使动用法。这种主语、谓语、宾语具全的句子是常式句。使动用法在常式句中是比较容易辨认的。语言形式是丰富多彩的,含有使动词的句子形式是多种多样的,这就须要我们了解含有使动用法的种种句式,以确切地理解文意。 (一)没有宾语的使动式 虽然使动用法是使宾语发出动作,但宾语有时却不出现。如: ①操军方连船舰,首尾相接,可烧而走( )也。(《赤壁之战》) ②左右以君贱之也,食( )以草具。(《冯谖客孟尝君》)句①的“走”是不及物动词用作使动,后面省略了宾语“之”(代操军),意思是使(操军)败逃。句②的“食”是及物动词用作使动,后面省略了宾语“之”(代冯谖),意思是“食之以草具”,以粗恶的食物让冯谖吃。这种省略使动宾语的句子,在理解和翻译时,须把省略的宾语补出来。 (二)双宾语的使动式 用作使动的词有时带两个宾语,若不详审文意,便会错解其义或不知其解。如: ③晋侯饮赵盾酒。(《左传·宣公二年》) ④均之二策,宁许以负秦曲。(《史记·廉颇蔺相如列传》)初学古文的人常把句③理解为“晋侯喝赵盾的酒”,而实际上,“赵盾”和“酒”并不组成定中词组,它们都是动词“饮”的宾语。“饮”和“赵盾”是使动关系,使赵盾饮;“饮” First, so that the use of several special forms of “Qi Wei Wang want to Sun Bin,” the sentence, “will” is to use the law. This subject, predicate, object with a full sentence is a regular sentence. To make the move in the regular sentence is relatively easy to identify. Language forms are colorful and contain a wide variety of sentence forms for the verbs, which requires us to understand the various sentences that contain the usage, in order to understand the precise meaning of the sentence. (A) no object makes the move Although the usage is to make the object action, but the object does not sometimes appear. Such as: ① army side with the ship, head and tail phase, can be burned and go () also. (“Battle of Red Cliff”) ② about the same gentleman, food () to straw. (“Feng 谖 guest Mengchang Jun”) sentence “①” is a transitive verb used to make the move, followed by the omission of the object “” (on behalf of the armed forces), meaning to make (army) defeated. The phrase “food” is a transitive verb used to make the move, followed by the omission of the object “(” on behalf of Feng 谖), meaning “food with straw”, to eat food for the foul food. This omission makes the moving object sentence, in understanding and translation, the object should be omitted to make up. (B) the use of dual object ambiguous words used to make the move sometimes with two objects, if not deliberately prose, it will misunderstand its meaning or unknown. Such as: ③ Jin Hou drink Zhao shield wine. (“Zuo Xuanzong two years”) ④ are the second policy, rather to negative song. (“Historical Biographies of Lian Po Lin Hsiang-ju,”) People who begin to learn classical Chinese often interpret sentence ③ as “drinking wine from Zhao Dun in Jin Hou.” In fact, “Zhao Dun” and “Liquor” do not form a definite phrase. Are verbs “drink” object. “Drink” and “Zhao shield” is to make the dynamic relationship, so that Zhao Dun drink; “drink”
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作为一个堂堂正正的男生,我绝对不会像女生那样胆小。我敢玩别人吓得大惊失色的过山车;敢去公园里超级可怕的鬼屋;还敢去挑战蹦极……就比如说吧,连我最喜欢的一支笔,都不是一支普通的笔。  这是一支十分恐怖的笔,上面有一个大大的骷髅头,是一支骷髅头笔。这么吓人,不可能是白色的,或者是粉色的、红色的,而是紫色的。紫色的头,紫色的手,紫色的腿,紫色的牙齿,再加上透明的身体,那有多吓人,我不说你也知道。嘿嘿,是