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为适应发展社会主义市场经济的需要,根据省六次党代会精神和全省经济工作会议提出的我省外向型经济要超常规发展,实现“双超”“四突破”的要求,切实解决我省对外经贸发展中的实际问题,进一步深化我省对外贸易体制改革,加快对外经贸发展,特作出如下决定:一、按照国家的政策法规,授权省对外经济贸易委员会和地、市、州、县(市)外经贸委(局)代表国家对本级外经贸企业的国有资产行使管理职能,加强外经贸企业的国有资产监督管理,防止国有资产流失,实现国有资产的保值增值,进而推进外经贸企业进行深层次改革。二、认真做好外经贸企业股份制试点工作。凡具备条件的外经贸企业要逐步改变为规范化的有限责任公司或股份有限公司,为建立产权清晰、权责明确、政企分开、管理科学的现代企业制度打好基础。省体改委等有关部门要 In order to meet the needs of the development of the socialist market economy, the province’s export-oriented economy proposed by the provincial party congress and the province’s economic work conference must exceed the conventional development and achieve “double breakthrough” and “four breakthroughs.” It is required to effectively solve the practical problems in the development of foreign economic and trade in our province, further deepen the reform of our province’s foreign trade system, and accelerate the development of foreign economic and trade relations. We hereby make the following decisions: First, in accordance with national policies and regulations, authorize the provincial Foreign Economic Relations and Trade Commission and the The municipal, state, and county (city) foreign economic and trade commissions (bureaus) perform management functions for the state-owned assets of the foreign trade and economic enterprises of the same level, strengthen the supervision and management of the state-owned assets of foreign economic and trade enterprises, prevent the loss of state-owned assets, and realize the maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets. In order to promote deep-going reform of foreign trade and economic companies. Second, conscientiously do a good job in foreign-trade enterprises joint-stock pilot work. All qualified foreign trade and economic enterprises should gradually change to standardized limited liability companies or joint stock limited companies, and lay a solid foundation for establishing a modern enterprise system with clear property rights, clear rights and responsibilities, separate government and enterprises, and scientific management. Provincial Restructuring Commission and other relevant departments
进入新千年以来,人类社会已经过渡到了一个以互联网为主要媒介,以电子商务为主要形式的信息经济时代。传统的粮油食品企业也同样面临着 WTO 和信息经济的双重机遇和挑战。为
1    似乎一生下来,丁小泽就高我一头半,因此他站在我面前的时候,总是自鸣得意地俯视过来。我当然不乐意了,就时不时地找机会打击他的嚣张气焰,可惜这样的机会并不多。去他家偷吃东西的时候,永远是他冲锋在前,我这矮矮的胖丫头只有给他站岗放哨的份儿。老师问谁能帮她擦黑板,丁小泽不需说话,只要鹤立鸡群地从后排懒懒站起来,就足以博得老师灿烂的笑容。大人们也总会搞错,常常在我们出去玩的时候告诫一声,记得听小泽
我想,我将永远无法忘记写作的艰苦,我曾在日记中写道:写作可能是我生命中的一部分,我不能缺少上帝给予的这份磨难,我要用我尚显稚嫩的笔忠实地描画我的一生。 I think that
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