
来源 :中国经济史研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zwj54255
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近十几年来 ,西方部分学者批判西方中心主义史观 ,重新审视中国历史 ,高度评价中国传统经济的发展。安古斯·麦迪森运用实际购买力计算法计算中国汉代以来的GDP ,提出自 1 70 0年至 1 82 0年 ,中国的经济增长数倍于欧洲 ,中国的GDP在世界GDP的比重从 2 3 1 %增长到 32 4 % ;而欧洲的GDP在世界GDP中的比重仅从 2 3 3%增长到 2 6 6 % ;贡德·弗兰克认为 ,直到 1 80 0年 ,中国仍是世界经济的中心……尽管这些认识有待于进一步研究验证 ,但它毕竟提出了一个发人深思的问题 :在西方资本主义进入中国之前 ,中国的传统经济究竟是不断发展 ,还是处于停滞的状态 ?换言之 ,我们应如何评价中国的传统经济 ?为此 ,本编辑部组织了两次“传统经济的再评价”研讨会 (详见本刊刊登的会议纪要 )。现将第二次研讨会上部分学者的发言辑录如下 ,以期引起学界更广泛的关注 ,将中国经济史的研究导向深入。 In the past ten or so decades, some Western scholars have criticized the western centrism and reexamined the history of China and spoke highly of the development of China’s traditional economy. Angus Madison calculated the GDP of China since the Han Dynasty by using the real purchasing power calculation method, suggesting that from 1970 to 1802, China’s economic growth was several times that of Europe’s. Its share of GDP in the world increased from 23 1% to 32 4%; while the share of Europe’s GDP in world GDP increased only from 23.3% to 26.6%; Gonde Frank believes that until 1808 China remained the center of world economy ... Although these understandings need to be further studied and verified, it poses, after all, a thought-provoking question: Before the Western capitalism entered China, was China’s traditional economy constantly developing or in a state of stagnation? In other words, we should How to evaluate China’s traditional economy? To this end, the editorial department has organized two seminars on the “reevaluation of traditional economy” (for details, see the summary of the conference’s edition published in this issue). The presentations of some of the scholars at the second seminar are now recorded as follows, with a view to arousing wider concern in the academic field and leading the study of China’s economic history.
【正】 除本分成制又称净产值分成制,是城市经济体制改革试点中,由四川省成都市西城区第二工业局所属集体所有制企业创造的一种新型企业管理制度,几年来已取得了良好的经济效