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挂篮是一种锚固于已灌注梁段上,为灌注下一梁段提供模板支撑吊架的一种装置。是实施悬臂灌注施工的主要设备,在挂篮施工时,悬臂梁段上需要完成模板安装、钢筋绑扎、管道安装、混凝土浇筑、预加应力及管道压浆等工序的施工,作业面又系高空作业,所以挂篮设置除应保证强度安全可靠外,还应满足变形小、行走方便、锚固拆装方便、重量轻等要求。本文着重就连续箱梁三角形挂篮悬浇段施工程序、合拢段施工程序及质量保证措施进行介绍。 A hanging basket is a device anchored to a perforated beam section to provide a template support hanger for perfusion of the next beam section. Is the implementation of cantilever perfusion construction of the main equipment in the construction of the basket, the cantilever section to complete the formwork installation, reinforcement banding, pipe installation, concrete pouring, pre-stress and pipeline grouting and other processes of construction, the operation surface and the Department of high altitude Work, so the basket should be set in addition to ensuring the strength of safe and reliable, but also to meet the small deformation, easy to walk, easy to disassemble and anchor, light weight and other requirements. This article focuses on the continuous box girder triangular hanging basket hanging section construction procedures, closing section construction procedures and quality assurance measures are introduced.
血浆组织纤溶酶原激活剂.(tissue plasminogen ac-tivator,t-PA)和纤溶酶原激活剂抑制剂(plasminogenactivator inhibitor,PAI)在纤溶系统的活化过程中起着重要作用.PA是纤溶
A computer-aided system for simulating weld solidification crack has been developed by which a welding engineer can carry out the welding solidification crack s
重复泄殖腔外翻畸形1例张虹,董 ,江布先,朱光连患儿:女,6.5岁。因会阴部红色肿物6.5年入院。患儿生后耻骨联合部有一红色肿物,直径约2.5cm,随患儿生长发育肿物渐增大,能够控制大小便。体检:脐位置
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作者在解剖1具成年男性尸体标本时,发现其肝固有动脉分支及吻合变异,现报道如下:在该例标本中,肝总动脉由腹腔干发出,向右上走行2.5 cm后,在肝门静脉前方分成2支,行向肝门(图