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宣化县政协委员杨春霞,现任县文教局局长。几年来,她用辛勤的汗水为宣化县教育事业谱就了新的篇章。教育局连续四年获县优胜单位,杨春霞也连续三年被评为实绩突出领导干部。杨春霞常说:“作为局长,我会把教育这本经念好。教育无小事,每件事都得必须抓好、做实。”1998年,“双基”工作要接受省政府验收,为使全县教育事业借此东风再上一个新台阶,当时,刚刚担任县文教局党委书记兼副局长的她,全身心投入到了“双基”工作中。由于宣化县的基础教育历史欠账太多,要实现“双基”目标任务相当艰巨。为此,她率领局一班人,深入到各乡镇、学校,了解情况,查核底数。在调查研究的基础上,探索实现“双基”达标的有 Yang Chunxia, ​​a member of the Xuanhua County CPPCC Committee, is currently the director of the County Education and Culture Bureau. Over the past few years, she sweat with hard sweat Xuanhua County Education career a new chapter. The Education Bureau won the county winning unit for four consecutive years, and Yang Chunxia was also named the outstanding leading cadre for three consecutive years. Yang Chunxia often said: “As a director, I will put this well-read education. Education is no small matter, everything must be done well.” In 1998, “Double Base” work should accept the provincial Government acceptance, in order to make the county education career to take the east wind to a new level, at that time, just served as county cultural and educational bureau secretary and deputy director of her, wholeheartedly devoted to “double base ” work. Due to the history of basic education in Xuanhua County, there are too many outstanding debts, and the task of achieving “double bases” is quite arduous. To this end, she led a group of people in-depth to all towns and schools, to understand the situation, check the base. On the basis of the investigation and research, explore to achieve “double base” standard
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