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有一种情怀,植入大地,生生不息;有一种追求,融入血脉,世代相传。在绵绵的太行山下,滋养着一片红色的土地,爱国拥军情怀是那源源不断的养分;在悠悠的洺水河畔,孕育出一个红色的家庭,精忠报国的追求是那血脉相传基因。有一位太行之子、红色后代,继承了老区人爱国拥军的光荣传统,秉承着祖辈们报国强兵的爱国信念,心系国防,情洒官兵,从为军人军属排忧解难,到为驻军捐赠科 There is a feeling, implanted in the earth, endless; there is a pursuit, into the blood, from generation to generation. Under the sweeping Taihang Mountain, it nourishes a piece of red soil. Patriotic Yongjun feelings are a steady flow of nutrients. On the long Huangshui River, a red family is bred, and the pursuit of loyalty to the country is the bloodline gene. There is a Taihang son and red offspring inheriting the glorious tradition of loving the country and supporting the army by the people of the old areas. Adhering to the patriotic conviction that ancestors reported to the armed forces of the nation and armed forces,
Two different silica sources have been used for the preparation of Ni0.5Zn0.5Fe2O4/SiO2 nanocomposites,and their effects on the particle size,crystallinity and
展开中国地图,泱泱华夏大地:北京,奥运盛典激情飞扬;四川,灾后重建如火如荼。2008年8月20日,一个最特别的时间点。100天前,汶川震动了中国;100天来,四川震撼着世界。 Unfold
The unique cathodic electrochemiluminescence(ECL) emission of Ru(bpy)32+(bpy=2,2′-bipyridine) was observed via Nafion film at Au electrode[Au/Nafion/Ru(bpy)32+
Purpose: To evaluate the optical and densitometric changes that take place in the crystalline lens with aging. Design: Crosssectional study. Participants: Seven
由于采用了Wavecom公司的WISMO~(TM)数码技术,权智科技(GST)公司的e938中英文无线个人数字助理(PDA)率先开发成功。 Wavecom标准模块WISMO~(TM)集成了可在GSM/GPRS系统及未