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清末忠州李芋仙是一流的诗人,他以其超凡脱俗的诗才纵横中国数十年,诗篇流传海内外。一代文宗曾国藩将其比之太白,上海《申报》谓其汪洋恣肆不减杜甫,以“小杜”目之,诗界革命领袖黄遵宪称“忠州李芋仙先生老名士也……虽素未谋面,而叹慕芋老已非一日。”遗憾的是100年来,很少有人研究李芋仙,李芋仙已渐渐被人遗忘,而他是不能被遗忘的。 In the late Qing Dynasty, Linzhou Li Yuxian was a first-rate poet. With his extraordinary and refined poems, he has been practicing China for decades and his poems spread both at home and abroad. A generation of Zeng Guofan compared it to the Taibai, Shanghai, “declare” that its unbridled ocean Du Fu, “Little Du” purpose, the revolutionary community leader Huang Zunxian said It is regrettable that in the past 100 years, very few people have studied the potato, and the potato has gradually been forgotten, and he can not be forgotten.
Epics belong to Oral folk literature, which is the basis of written literature or later writers literature, which in t is the knowledge of humanities, or knowle
Vagueness in language has been studied for many years by many researchers and scholars at home and abroad.Little research on vagueness in the report on the work
【Abstract】After the 19th century, the West was no longer an appendage of the South and the North. During the Civil War, the North had superiority in both economy and politics. This owed much to the We
The CP was put forward by Oxford philosopher Herbert Paul Grice in 1967.He believes that in order to make a conversation go successfully and smoothly,the speake
【摘要】在英语教学中,突出学生的主体地位,充分调动学生学习英语的积极性、主动性是提高教学效力的根本。艺术学校的学生有其自身的特点,如何着眼于他们的特点,突出针对性、确保有效性,对增强学生学习英语的兴趣,进而提高英语教学水平将起到重要的作用和良好的效果。  【关键词】教学情景 课堂气氛 英语学习的兴趣 艺术学校  一、前言  随着国家素质教育的发展与改革,各类教育学校特别是职业学校如何强化师生关系、
【摘要】语篇中通常使用衔接手段来达到语篇的连贯。由于英汉两种语言结构的不同,形合英语和意合汉语的差异影响了各自语篇的衔接手段。本文通过对比分析英汉语篇中的照应衔接手段,以说明两者之间的异同,更好地在翻译实践实现双语之间的转换。  【关键词】衔接 形合 意合 照应衔接手段 异同  语篇是“指任何不完全受句子语法约束的在一定语境下表示完整语义的自然语言”。(胡壮麟1994)衔接是语篇的重要标志,借助于