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党的十六届四中全会,是在我们党带领全国人民为实现全面建设小康社会宏伟目标努力奋斗的重要时期召开的一次极其重要的会议。会议全面分析了当前的形势和任务,着重研究了加强党的执政能力建设的若干重大问题,通过了《中共中央关于加强党的执政能力建设的决定》。全会把加强执政能力建设作为主要议题,是我们党正确应对严峻挑战、顺利完成历史使命的现实需要,充分体现了以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央对国内外形势的深刻认识和政治上的远见卓识,体现了我们党审时度势、居安思危的忧患意识,体现了我们党进一步为人民执好政、掌好权的坚强决心。全会通过的《决定》站在时代和战略的高度,从理论和实践历史和现实、继承和创新、伟大事业和伟大工程的结合上,深刻阐述了加强党的执政能力建设的重要性和紧迫性,系统总结了我们党55年的执政经验,明确了加强执政能力建设的指导思想、总体目标和主要任务,提出了许多新观点、新思路、新举措。《决定》通篇贯穿了“三个代表”重要思想,充满了改革、创新、求实精神,反映了新一届中央领导集体治国理政的思路和方略,表明我们党对“三大规律”特别是共产党执政规律的认识达到了新的高度,是对马克思主义执政党建设理论的继承和发展,是加强党的执政能力建设的纲领性文献。《决 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee is an extremely important meeting held by our party in an important period during which our party led the people of the whole country in its efforts to achieve the grand goal of building an overall well-to-do society. The conference comprehensively analyzed the current situation and tasks, focused on a number of major issues for strengthening the building of the party's ability to govern and adopted the Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Strengthening the Building of the Party's Ability to Govern. The plenary session as the main topic of strengthening the building of the government capability is the realistic need of our party to correctly handle the severe challenges and accomplish the historic mission smoothly and fully reflects the profound understanding and political foresight of the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Hu Jintao as the general secretary on the situations at home and abroad Our knowledge and understanding reflect our sense of urgency in reviewing the situation and putting oneself inrising in a calm time, which reflects our party's firm determination to further implement the principle of good governance and the good of the people. The “Decision” passed by the plenary session stood at the height of the times and on the strategic level. From the combination of the history and reality of theory and practice, succession and innovation, great cause and great project, the “decision” profoundly expounded the importance and urgency of strengthening the building of the party's governing ability Systematically summarized 55 years of our party's ruling experience, defined the guiding ideology, overall objectives and major tasks of strengthening the building of the government's capabilities, and put forward many new ideas, new ideas and new measures. The Decision, which runs through the important thinking of the 'Three Represents,' is full of reforms, innovations and realism and reflects the thinking and strategy of the new Central Leadership in governing the country and administration. It shows that our party is particularly concerned with the 'three laws' It is a new height for the understanding of the law of the Communist Party in power, the inheritance and development of the theory of the construction of the Marxist ruling party, and a programmatic document for strengthening the building of the party's ability to govern. "Decision
有人问我,中国为什么不能像发达国家那样潇洒地让人民普遍使用信用卡和私人支票,我说主要障碍不在技术方面,而在于社会总体的信用状况低下和脆弱。 Someone asked me why Ch
儿子在捷安特专卖店转了一圈之后,斩钉截铁地对我说:“我就要那辆9999元的自行车!”  我说:“太贵了,不可能。”  儿子一听很不高兴,嘟囔道:“我们班好多同学都有上万元的自行车呢!还有两三万进口的,凭什么我就没有……”  我听着心里来气,但又不便发作,强迫自己以平静的口吻问儿子:“如果不买这么好的自行车,你会咋样?”  儿子没有正面回答我,而是说:“你不给我买,我自己想办法买。”  晚上我和老公