
来源 :工程力学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xh287315717
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为适当降低杆系结构弹塑性分析的计算量,该文假设单元塑性变形集中于单元端部。在单元端部截面上,将截面分割为若干小块面积,用小块面积中心处材料的弹塑性性能代替整个小块面积的弹塑性性能。通过对小块面积弹塑性性能的分析,得出端部截面的弹塑性刚度,再将其与单元内部弹性部分的截面刚度沿杆长进行Gauss-Lobatto积分,由此获得梁单元的弹塑性刚度矩阵。该文对小面积中心点采用基于材料应变等向强化的弹塑性本构关系,为准确分析杆端截面小块面积的弹塑性应力状态,该文提出了有效的应力调整算法以修正计算过程中偏离屈服面的应力值。数值算例表明,该文方法准确、高效、可靠。 In order to properly reduce the computational complexity of the elasto-plastic analysis of the rod system, this paper assumes that the plastic deformation of the unit concentrates on the end of the unit. In the cross-section of the unit, the section is divided into several small areas, and the elasto-plastic properties of the material at the center of the small area are substituted for the elasto-plastic properties of the entire small area. By analyzing the elasto-plastic properties of the small area, the elasto-plastic stiffness of the end section is obtained, and then the Gauss-Lobatto integral of the section stiffness of the elastic section of the unit and the length of the unit is obtained. matrix. In this paper, elastic-plastic constitutive relation based on material strain equalization is adopted for the small area center point. In order to accurately analyze the elastic-plastic stress state of small area of ​​rod end section, an effective stress adjustment algorithm is proposed to correct the calculation process Deviation from the yield surface stress value. Numerical examples show that this method is accurate, efficient and reliable.
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