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改革开放20年,我国发生了举世瞩目的历史巨变,从计划经济到市场经济转轨的基本框架初步形成。改革极大地激活了生产力,社会主义商品经济极大的发展,推动了社会全面进步。随着改革的深入也由此带来了整个社会,包括道德观念和道德风貌在内的各方面的变化,转型期社会道德建设究竟存在哪些问题?应该如何更好建立起社会主义市场经济下的道德规范,对我国现代化建设至关重要。从马克思伦理学的角度而言,道德的根源、本质和历史必然性,应当从社会的经济关系中求得解释。在我们从计划经济体制向市场经济体制转轨的过程中,由于社会秩序的变化,我们可以用一个较为中性的概念来 In the 20 years since the reform and opening up, tremendous changes have taken place in our country that have drawn worldwide attention. The basic framework for the transition from a planned economy to a market economy has taken shape. The reform has greatly stimulated the development of productive forces and the great development of the socialist commodity economy, and promoted all-round social progress. With the deepening of the reform, it has brought about changes in all aspects of the society as a whole, including moral concepts and moral features. What problems exist in the construction of social morals in the transition period? How to better establish a socialist market economy Ethics is of the utmost importance to the modernization of our country. From the perspective of Marxist ethics, the root, essence and historic inevitability of morality should be explained from the economic relations of the society. In the course of our transition from a planned economy to a market economy, we can use a more neutral concept due to changes in social order
据有关资料记载,湖北省自1960年始发现旋毛虫病流行,近年来其检出阳性率有所增加。我们应用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)进行了本病的血清学调查研究,现报道如下。 材料与方法
GEsytec2000iCT机扫描中止检修2例TheRepairofScanningDiscontinueofGESytec2oooiCT(AReportof2Cases)孔秋雁温州医学院附属二院CT室325027故障1在曝光时机器突然停止扫描,不成... GEsytec2000iCT machine scan overhaul maintenance in 2 cases of TheRepairofScannin
生命中,您最需要的是什么?功名,利禄,还是真诚的关怀和健康的身体? What do you need most in your life? Fame and fortune, or sincere care and a healthy body?
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论述了镁基铁水脱硫的工艺和反应原理,分析了镁基铁水脱硫过程中的影响因素,阐述了镁基脱硫剂的工艺计算方法。 The technology and reaction principle of magnesium-based