Retrograde intrarenal surgery in pediatric patients

来源 :World Journal of Nephrology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qinghuawuqiong
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Urinary tract stone disease is seen at a level of 1%-2% in childhood(< 18 years).In recent years,however,there has been a marked increased in pediatric stone disease,particularly in adolescence.A carbohydrateand salt-heavy diet and a more sedentary lifestyle are implicated in this increase.Although stone disease is rare in childhood,its presence is frequently associated with metabolic or anatomical disorders or infectious conditions,for which reason there is a high possibility of post-therapeutic recurrence.Factors such as a high possibility of recurrence and increasing incidence further enhance the importance of minimally invasive therapeutic options in children,with their expectations of a long life.In children in whom active stone removal is decided on,the way to achieve the highest level of success with the least morbidity is to select the most appropriate treatment modality.Thanks to today’s advanced technology,renal stones that were once treated only by surgery can now be treated with minimally in-vasive techniques,from invasion of the urinary system in an antegrade(percutaneous nephrolithotomy) or retrograde(retrograde intrarenal surgery) manner or shock wave lithotripsy to laparoscopic stone surgery.This compilation study examined studies involving the RIRS procedure,the latest minimally invasive technique,in children and compared the results of those studies with those from other techniques. Urinary tract stone disease is seen at a level of 1% -2% in childhood (<18 years). In recent years, however, there has been a marked increase in pediatric stone disease, particularly in adolescence. A carbohydrate and salt-heavy diet and a more sedentary lifestyle are implicated in this increase. Although stone disease is rare in childhood, its presence is frequently associated with metabolic or anatomical disorders or infectious conditions, for which reason there is a high possibility of post-therapeutic recurrence. Factors such as as a high possibility of recurrence and increased incidence further enhance the importance of minimally invasive therapeutic options in children, with their expectations of a long life. children in whom active stone removal is decided on, the way to achieve the highest level of success with the least morbidity is to select the most appropriate treatment modality.Thanks to today’s advanced technology, renal stones that were once treated by only surgery can now be treated with minimally in-vasive techniques, from invasion of the urinary system in an antegrade (percutaneous nephrolithotomy) or retrograde intrarenal surgery manner or shock wave lithotripsy to laparoscopic stone surgery. This compilation study studied studies involving the rIRS procedure, the latest minimally invasive technique, in children and compared the results of those studies with those from other techniques.
经济司法工作是一项崭新的工作。我们希望各地法院同志把处理各种经济案件的典型案例或者处理某一类经济案件的经验,送给我们,以便及时交流,促进这一工作的开展。 Economic
高考中经常会出现“新定义”题,这类题目的特点是引入了新概念、新模型或新运算,其实质是制定了一种新“规则”(包括运算、判断或推理方式等),要求我们运用规则判断或求解.  这类题难就难在营造了一种陌生的情景,但只要我们能用好题中的规则,把陌生的情景转化为熟悉的情景,就能顺利判断或求解.  一、直接代入规则解题  很多时候,我们并不熟悉题中出现的新概念,但能在题中找到与新概念对应的、并能明确解释它的新规
一、函数型应用题  函数型应用题是近年来高考重点考查的题型之一,解决这类问题一般可以从建立函数解析式入手,将其函数化,运用函数的知识、方法解决问题.常见的问题主要有:成本最低、利润最高、效益最好、用料最省等实际问题.  例1 某企业拟建造如图所示的容器(不计厚度,长度单位:米),其中容器的中间为圆柱形,左右两端均为半球形,按照设计要求容器的容积为[80π3]立方米,且[l2r.]假设该容器的建造费
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一、表格题的解答  初中物理有直接测量型、间接测量型和探究型的实验.这些实验中测量的数据可以运用分析、计算、作图等处理方法.  1.间接测量型实验的数据处理  间接测量型实验的数据处理方法是根据待测物理量与其他物理量的关系式,先测出其他量,然后算出该量.  例1 小东同学在测定盐水密度的实验中,其方法和步骤完全正确,如图甲显示的是他将烧杯中的部分盐水倒入量筒后,天平重新平衡时的情景,乙显示的是倒入