This article reports 52 cases of severe bronchial pneumonia without suppurative inflammation, treatment with adrenal cortex hormones (not with antibiotics), the role of adrenal cortex hormones is anti-inflammatory, inhibition of proliferation, focal inflammation absorption, active reticular Tissue system as well as reducing blood vessel inflammation induration and edema formation. It was also proposed in various types of pneumonia, adrenocortical function is reduced, the use of such drugs can increase the permeability of the tissue barrier and enhance the role of antibiotics on the process of infection of inflammatory products. 24 males and 28 females; aged from 21 to 80 years old. Among the 52 cases, 4 had good pulmonary function, 15 had grade Ⅰ with pulmonary insufficiency, 24 with grade Ⅱ and 2 with grade Ⅲ, 2 with grade Ⅰ and 2 with grade Ⅲ through Ⅲ. Most patients have been treated with corticosteroids before