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2005年,受国家发展和改革委员会的委托,中国机械工业联合会组织参与了关于我国大型施工机械项目的调研工作,工作漫长而又艰辛,在超过1年的时间里,项目的参与者几乎跑遍了每一个对我国大型施工机械产业发展起作用的关键点,从北京、上海、山东、湖南、陕西、广西,再到沈阳……现在,连他们都数不清他们走过了多少个城市。在项目接近尾声的时候,正值《关于加快振兴装备制造业的若干意见》(以下简称《意见》)出台之时,《意见》明确了加快振兴装备制造业的目标:到2010年,发展一批有较强竞争力的大型装备制造企业集团,增强具有自主知识产权重大技术装备的制造能力,基本满足能源、交通、原材料等领域及国防建设的需要。依靠区域优势,发挥产业集聚效应,形成若干具有特色和知名品牌的装备制造集中地。建设和完善一批具有国际先进水平的国家级重大技术装备工程中心,初步建立以企业为主体的技术创新体系。逐渐形成重大技术装备、高新技术产业装备、基础装备、一般机械装备等专业化合理分工、相互促进、协调发展的产业格局。然而,大型施工机械产业正是我国机械工业中的一个软肋,长期以来,很多大型施工机械的关键技术掌握在国外企业手中,即使是合作,我国企业也仅仅是提供最基本的结构件。这样,对我国大型施工机械产业的发展非常不利。本文发稿之前,记者接通了该项目的主要参与者——机械工业联合会市场部主任冯宝珊女士的电话,“我们的工作正是希望通过充分调研和专家论证,对国家制定相应政策提供参考。以往与国外企业的合作都是我国负责基本结构件的制造,造成了我们对关键技术的缺失。如果有相应政策出台,谁愿意给我们技术,我们就选择与谁合作,那种想要市场而不愿意出让技术的状况应该改变,也一定会改变。”这是此次调研过程中给冯女士留下深刻印象,也是触动最大的一点。本文的作者刁尔方先生为该调研项目的主要参与者之一。刁先生在机械行业工作几十年,对我国机械工业有很深的感情。由于现在国外,记者没能与之联系上。然而从刁老的文章中,我们足以体会到其参与该项目的感受与总结。 In 2005, commissioned by the National Development and Reform Commission, China National Machinery Industry Federation participated in the investigation of China’s large-scale construction machinery projects. The work was long and arduous. For more than one year, project participants almost ran Every key point that has played a role in the development of China’s large-scale construction machinery industry, from Beijing, Shanghai, Shandong, Hunan, Shaanxi, Guangxi and Shenyang ...... Now, even they count the number of cities they have passed . At the close of the project, at the time when “Opinions on Speeding up the Revitalization of the Equipment Manufacturing Industry” (hereinafter referred to as “Opinions”) came into force, the Opinions clarified the goal of accelerating the revitalization of the equipment manufacturing industry. By 2010, The Group has approved a large and competitive large-scale equipment manufacturing enterprise group to enhance its manufacturing capability of major technological equipment with independent intellectual property rights and basically meet the needs of energy, transportation, raw materials and other fields and national defense construction. Rely on regional advantages, give play to the effect of industrial agglomeration, and form a number of specialized and well-known brand equipment manufacturing centers. Establish and perfect a batch of national-level major technical equipment engineering centers with world-class advanced level, and initially establish a technological innovation system with enterprises as the main body. Gradually formed a major technical equipment, high-tech industrial equipment, basic equipment, general mechanical equipment and other professional and reasonable division of labor, mutual promotion and coordinated development of industrial structure. However, the large-scale construction machinery industry is just a weakness in the machinery industry in our country. For a long time, many of the key technologies of large-scale construction machinery are in the hands of foreign enterprises. Even with the cooperation, Chinese enterprises only provide the most basic structural parts. In this way, the development of China’s large construction machinery industry is very unfavorable. Before this article was dispatched, the reporter connected with the main participant of the project, Ms. Feng Baoshan, director of the marketing department of Machinery Industry Federation. “Our work is exactly hoping to provide references for the state to formulate corresponding policies through full investigation and expert argumentation. In the past, cooperation with foreign enterprises was all about the manufacture of basic structural components in our country, which resulted in our lack of key technologies. If there is a corresponding policy, who is willing to give us the technology, we would like to cooperate with those who want the market The unwillingness to sell technology should change, and it will certainly change. ”This is the most impressive point to Ms FUNG during the survey. Mr. Diao Fang Fang, the author of this article, is one of the major participants in this research project. Diao Mr. working in the machinery industry for decades, China’s machinery industry has a deep feeling. Because now abroad, the reporter failed to contact with them. However, from the old article, we can fully understand the feelings and conclusions of participating in the project.