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在赣东北丰饶而富有革命传统精神的红土地上,在改革开放的大潮中,出现了一个璀璨夺目的明星企业,它就是烟草工业中的新秀——广丰卷烟厂。 广丰卷烟厂始创于1988年,1991年8月被国务院批准为国家计划内地方烟厂。固定资产达1亿元,并拥有6个有限责任公司(其中1个中美合资)、3个辅助材料厂,已初步形成了以卷烟加工为主,集彩印、包装、嘴棒、铝箔纸生产和加工、汽运、饮食等为一体的企业集团。 近年来,广丰卷烟厂深化改革,坚持“以质量求生存、以质量求效益、以质量求发展”的治厂方针,实施名牌战略,创出了自己的当家产品——“月兔”牌卷 In the rich and revolutionary traditional spirit of the northeastern Fujian, in the tide of reform and opening up, there has emerged a star-studded star enterprise, which is the rookie of the tobacco industry, the Guangfeng Cigarette Factory. The Guangfeng Cigarette Factory was founded in 1988 and was approved by the State Council in August 1991 as a local tobacco factory within the national plan. The fixed assets amounted to 100 million yuan, and it has 6 limited liability companies (including 1 Sino-US joint venture) and 3 auxiliary material plants. It has initially formed a cigarette processing industry, which includes color printing, packaging, mouthpieces, and aluminum foil production. An enterprise group that integrates processing, automotive transportation, and catering. In recent years, the Guangfeng Cigarette Factory has deepened its reforms, adhered to the principle of “pursuing quality with quality, seeking for efficiency with quality, and seeking development with quality”, implemented its brand strategy, and created its own product, the “Yuetu” brand. volume
铀生产中心HighlandCrOW ButteKingsville DomeU『ncle SamRositaIrigaray/ChristensenWhirl Mes a/Ariz.StripDOilaldsonv订leE1 Mesquite Ambrosia Lake怀俄明内布拉斯加得
在军转民方面,俄罗斯圣·彼得堡一家工厂正在进行着小功率蒸汽发电机的试生产。 在西方许多国家中,小型动力装置所提供的能源占国家全部能源的20—30%,这些国家的经验表明,从
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处于世纪之交的特殊时期,地处珠江三角洲的顺德鸿昌涂料实业有限公司怀着对跨世纪的美好憧憬,认真规划着未来的事业。 30%与70% 刚过而立之年的总经理陈豪伟说:“创业成功=70%