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在文学作品中,人物是主要的描写对象,优秀作家无不十分重视对人物形象与性格的刻画,刻画人物离不开对白,对自不仅对表现人物性格、揭示人物内心世界、展现人物形象,而且对情节的展开、主题的挖掘拓展都起了至关重要的作用。因此,文学作品的翻译,必须深刻理解原作,把握住作品中人物的性格特征,译透译活作品中的对白,从而准确地反映出原作者的思想情感,再现出作品的独特风格与神韵,使译作具有原作那样强烈感人的艺术 In literary works, characters are the main objects of description. All outstanding writers attach great importance to the portrayal of characters and characters. The portrayal of characters is inseparable from the dialogue. They not only show the character of the characters, reveal the inner world of characters, The development of the plot, the development of the theme of mining have played a crucial role. Therefore, the translation of literary works must deeply understand the original works, grasp the character traits of the characters in the works, translate the dialogue in the translated works so as to accurately reflect the original author’s thoughts and emotions, to reproduce the unique style and charm of the works, Make the translation as strong and moving as the original art
[目的] 分析甘南尕海湿地泥炭地不同退化状态下土壤氮素的变化特征,为尕海泥炭地的生态恢复建设以及保护和利用提供科学依据。[方法] 采用野外采样与室内分析相结合的方法,研究
目的 :对当归的药理作用研究进展进行综述。方法 :对近年来国内外相关文献进行归纳和总结。结果 :当归具有多种药理学效应 ,如 :抑制平滑肌 ,抗血小板聚集 ,抗炎作用 ,增强机
<正>随着欧洲经济一体化和国际化趋势不断加强,英国政府开始在中学阶段实施生涯教育(careers education),旨在帮助中学生为未来职业生涯的发展和终身学习作好准备,以适应迅速