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目的分析湖北省乙型病毒性肝炎(乙肝)的报告发病特征和影响因素,提出监测和防控建议。方法对法定传染病报告系统报告的乙肝病例、乙肝病例报告质量调查资料进行分析。结果湖北省乙肝报告发病率呈逐年上升趋势,无明显季节高峰,但不同人群发病趋势不同,15岁以下儿童发病率和构成比呈逐年下降趋势,15岁以上青壮年为高发人群,发病人群职业一直以农民为主,所占比例逐年上升;各级医务人员对乙肝诊断分类标准掌握均不够,乙肝病例存在误报、重复报告。结论实施儿童乙肝计划免疫后,儿童发病得到有效控制。乙肝报告发病率升高与误报、慢性病例重复报告有关,需进一步完善乙肝监测系统,加强各级临床医生乙肝知识培训,提高监测数据准确性,为乙肝防治工作提供依据。 Objective To analyze the reported incidence and influencing factors of hepatitis B virus (HB) in Hubei Province, and to put forward the suggestions of monitoring and prevention and control. Methods The report of the legal infectious disease reporting system of hepatitis B cases, hepatitis B case report quality survey data analysis. Results The incidence of hepatitis B in Hubei Province showed an upward trend year by year with no obvious seasonal peak. However, the incidence of hepatitis B in different populations tended to decrease. The incidence and constituent ratio of children under 15 years showed a declining trend year by year. Young adults over 15 years of age were high incidence and occupational diseases Has been dominated by peasants, the proportion increased year by year; medical staff at all levels of hepatitis B diagnostic criteria are not mastered, hepatitis B cases exist false positives, repeated reports. Conclusion After the implementation of hepatitis B immunization program in children, the incidence of children is effectively controlled. Hepatitis B reporting increased incidence of false positives, chronic case reports repeated, the need to further improve the hepatitis B monitoring system, to strengthen knowledge of hepatitis B at all levels of clinicians training to improve the accuracy of monitoring data for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B provide the basis.
时代在发展 ,社会在前进 ,文明在升华。当今世界 ,科学技术迅猛发展 ,经济全球化日益加速 ,国际形势正在发生广泛而深刻的变化 ,国内改革和建设出现了许多新情况、新特点。在
摘 要:数学复习课是数学课堂教学中的一种重要课型,它帮助学生梳理巩固已学知识,形成知识网络、提高基本技能、增强解决实际问题的能力。而高效的数学复习课不但要回顾并应用所学知识,还应该是知识的升华与提高,更是方法的提炼与总结。要使数学复习课真正高效,教师应树立五种意识:目标意识、主体意识、创新意识、提问意识、反思意识。  关键词:高效;数学复习课;五种意识  数学复习课承担着查漏补缺、夯实“四基”、促
目的分析北京市丰台区严重预防接种异常反应(serious rare adverse reaction,SRAR)发生特征,评价疫苗的安全性和预防接种服务质量。方法通过中国免疫规划监测信息管理系统和