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古时候有个叫侯希真的人,有一所大宅子.以前这所宅子富丽堂皇,非常坚固,但随着岁月的流逝,它已出现墙壁开裂,柱墩动摇的危机.侯希真的女仆、子辈向他如实禀告宅子的状况,劝他加以修补,但遭拒绝.他的客人夸奖了宅子一番,然后又委婉地道出宅子的破损之处,劝他早作打算,谁知侯希真对客人的忠告也听不进去,以致后来谁都不敢再说宅子的缺憾.从表面上看 去,这所宅子一片“太平气象”.但不久,宅子终于倒塌了,侯希真也死于“太平气象”中.侯希真由于不愿听真话,只爱听阿谀奉承的假话,终于导致了房屋倒塌,自己也死于非命的悲剧.这使我们认识到,不乐意听真话,而盲目听从阿谀奉承的假话的危害性是非常大的!所谓真话,就是指符合客观事实的,经得起事实检验的话.像候希真的女仆、子辈、客人向他禀告宅子状况的话,就是真话.这些人的真话虽然逆耳,但它毕竟是苦口婆心的忠言,是客观事实的正确反映,与谎言有本质上的区别.由于真话能够说出事实的真相,指出某些事(包括人)的错误,因此有些人听起来就不大顺耳,而宁愿受假话的蒙骗.诚然,一般人都喜欢听好话,而对指出他过错的真话感到不舒服.但是,不管你愿意不愿意听,真话总是真话,事实总是事实.你有缺点就是有,没有缺点就是没有.如果你有缺点而硬要说自己是完美的,那也只能 In ancient times, there was a person named Hou Xizhen who had a large house. The former house was magnificent and very strong. However, with the passage of time, it had cracked walls and the shaking of the pillars. The Houxi real maid, his generation He falsely told the state of the house and advised him to repair it, but he was rejected. His guests praised the house, and then euphemistically showed the damage of the house, persuaded him to make early plans, who knows that Hou Xizhen’s advice to the guests is also Can’t hear it, so that no one later dared to say that the house’s imperfections. On the surface, this house was a “flat weather.” But soon, the house finally collapsed, and Hou Xizhen also died in “Pacific weather”. Being unwilling to listen to the truth, I only listened to the false words of aunty and finally led to the collapse of the house and her own tragedy. This made us realize that we are not willing to listen to the truth and blindly obey the evil of flattering Sex is very big! The so-called truth is the one that meets the objective facts and can stand the test of facts. Just like the waiting maid, the sons and generations, the guest chants the status of the house to him, it is the truth. The truth of these people is true. Although the words are against the ears, After all, it is a bitter letter of advice, a correct reflection of objective facts, and a fundamental difference from lies. Since the truth can tell the truth of the facts and point out the errors of certain things (including people), some people do not sound big. I prefer to be deceived by false statements. True, most people like to listen to good words and feel uncomfortable about pointing out the truth of his fault. However, whether you are willing to listen or not, the truth is always truth, and the truth is always true. You have weaknesses that are there, no weaknesses or no. If you have shortcomings and want to say that you are perfect, then only
结合自己多年在干部人事档案管理工作中的一些实际经验,认为要做好干部人事档案管理工作,必须做到“四加强四提高”。 Combining with his own practical experience in cad
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