Application of the multi-cycle estimator of Doppler and TDOA to passively locating targets exploiti

来源 :Progress in Natural Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:allviolet
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By exploiting the cyclostationary property of non cooperative source signals, the problem of joint time difference of arrival (TDOA) and Doppler estimation is discussed, and the multi cycle estimator is developed by generalizing the single cycle estimator. Utilizing a special commercial FM radio as a non cooperative transmitter, some practical experiments are carried out. The right estimates of TDOA and Doppler of a particular airplane can really be obtained by processing the measurements with the multi cycle estimation algorithm. Through adding some slowly time variant white Gaussian noise to the original measurements, some independent Monte Carlo simulations are performed, and the simulation results reveal that the multi cycle estimator is really superior to the single cycle estimator and the conventional cross correlation method. By exploiting the cyclostationary property of non cooperative source signals, the problem of joint time difference of arrival (TDOA) and Doppler estimation is discussed, and the multi cycle estimator is developed by generalizing the single cycle estimator. Utilizing a special commercial FM radio as a non-cooperative transmitter, some practical experiments are carried out. The right estimates of TDOA and Doppler of a particular airplane can really be obtained by processing the measurements with the multi cycle estimation algorithm. , some independent Monte Carlo simulations are performed, and the simulation results reveal that the multi cycle estimator is really superior to the single cycle estimator and the conventional cross correlation method.
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